50 Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness !

50 Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness !
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Imagine how desperate an animal must be if it resorts to asking a human for help! Fortunately, there are still kind people in the world who give them a reason to trust. Today, you are going to see the most touching stories of Animals That Asked People For Help and Kindness. I hope it inspires you and others around the world to show animals that we are not their enemies…

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For copyright matters and any suggestions be welcome at: copyrightmadlab@gmail.com

Sanders Wildlife: https://youtu.be/2k9yJdq0Sm4
bemasterofone: https://www.tiktok.com/@bemasterofone/video/7033546817275170094
oliviaraehobbs: https://www.tiktok.com/@oliviaraehobbs/video/6883697713788030214
Granite Hills Animal Care – Elberton, Ga: https://fb.watch/isHD5fLhml/
jpcycles: https://www.tiktok.com/@jpcycles/video/7015285681224256774


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About the Author: MAD LAB


  1. I watch these shows to remind me that there really are a lot of good people in this world. I am grateful to every one of these amazing people and thrilled to see the results of their kindness. May God bless them all, people and animals alike.

  2. I hope the people who were filming the polar bear who was starving ended up helping it and gave it some food. But inevitably without permanent help, it will possibly succumb anyway. So sad to see the bears in that plight.

  3. Oh im afraid to spoil it for you, but we ARE their enemies. Humans are the worst of the worst on this planet, and though it is great to see more and more people find compassion for all those poor souls out there, humanity still does way more harm, be it through industrial killing of farm animals, or even just doing your part to worsen the climate. That does not mean we might as well stop helping them, even if on the whole it is a hopeless situation. At least we can help a few poor souls out there, and that is always better than ignorance and lack of compassion.

  4. I always day u can get a very food understanding of a person by the way they treat animals. It's part of the reason I think we're here, qere supposed to take care of the earth and animals

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