8 People Who Gained Superpowers After Accidents

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If you’ve seen superhero movies or read comic books, you’ll find the following story familiar: after an accident, the hero wakes up with unexpected abilities. For example, the ability to climb walls, shoot spider webs and wear a tight red and blue suit in any weather… These stories seem to be just the product of someone’s imagination, but sometimes this can happen in real life too. And although the people in our video today don’t know how to control electricity or run incredibly fast, they do have special talents. All thanks to different accidents that completely changed their lives. So, who are these people with special talents? You’re about to find out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7oBV3i6tUGi8keEfNQx3Bg


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About the Author: #Mind Warehouse


  1. Everyone has access to all parts of the brain. The parts used most – the actions repeated the most – get stronger. The synesthesia, no-one knows how that works. It's more common than one would think. Several of these have are from changes in the front of the brain plus somewhere else – creating truly unique situations.

  2. A friend of mine was dropped as a flyer in cheerleading and hit her head. Ever since she could memorize zip codes and licensee plates. I got in a car accident as a teen and she happened to drive by, saw my license, and called my mom. Not super crazy but weird af.

  3. Ben McMahon superpower is similar to the smartphone of my older brother after getting dropped on the ground for many times the language of his smartphone language become a chinese language lol.

  4. Wow where was my super powers? At 11 I got in a car crash, cracked my head open and was in a medical coma for 2 weeks and only woke up with a scar from one side of my forehead to the other, chunks of memory gone, and having to relearn basics like math and not speaking like a toddler. 🙁

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