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About the Author: ABC News


  1. 2022 was in the top 6 for hottest years on record. Our planet is warming, no doubt, and it’s unprecedented on a geological scale. The last 10,000 years of this interglacial have been stable and calm. All of a sudden we are now dramatically changing our planet’s climate to a hot house our planet hasn’t seen in millions of years. We are in the Anthropocene, the 6th mass extinction. Sure this can be prevented but our species are digging our own grave.

  2. We can't enforce public transportation in the US or some extremely dangerous countries and can't decrease fossil fuel production, so we can only hope the space-based solar panel technology will get realized soon

  3. Many people get wealthy suddenly in the Crypto market, while others become destitute over a 20-year period and lose everything. Everyone has their own strategy, risk tolerance, and desired outcome.

    Whoever repents of all his sins (turns from sins) and calls on the Name of the LORD, will be saved. He who died on a cross for the sins of the world, rose from the dead on the third day, and by His blood, whoever repents and believes, has full redemption of sins and eternal life.
    Today is the day of your salvation, repent and confess Jesus Christ now as your Lord and be saved, because you broke the law but He paid your fine with His life's blood.

    For those with understanding: Matthew 24:40-41 will take place very soon, this is the sixth seal! This is the generation of the harpazo, rapture, and behold you will witness the trumpet blast that will make the sky recede as a scroll being rolled up! Therefore, be ready and be the five wise virgins, do not be the five foolish virgins! (Parable of the Ten Virgins…)

  5. thats crazy because we can look at the fossil layers in the earth and see how hot or cold it was…so its kinda weird to make this statement when there are far older and hotter records that can be found on earth…or are we really going to use a couple hundred year old stat point made by people with less understanding of everything then us?

  6. This will keep going up. I had a teacher in College in he said every year there will be a new record. This is a sign that we are not moving forward but going backwards into the doom of the earth. I hope the earth will survive or else we will be toast. God Bless!!!

  7. Welcome to California, the state with the highest income tax a 8.25% sales tax, a $0.54 state excise tax on gasoline on top of the sales tax and federal taxes and outrageous annual state licensing fees for vehicles. Now, after years of mismanagement by the left. It's facing a staggering 25-billion-dollar deficit. Question is who's going to be taking the bite out of that old sandwich, the taxpayers or services?

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