This Will Make You Smile. Cutest Puppy Ever Video.

This Will Make You Smile. Cutest Puppy Ever Video.
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#cutestpuppyvideos, #gloriouslifeonwheels #dogvideos

This has to be one of the cutest puppies ever. You can tell he is a frisky little fella. He is only a little over two pounds and won’t get much bigger. But, he is two pounds of solid joy. Everyone who passed him in Walmart stopped to smile and say hi, and he was more than happy to greet them hack🀣


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About the Author: Glorious Life On Wheels


  1. Walmart isn't pet friendly if someone is taking a pet or esa (emotional support animals) into Walmart tell the workers that the Amina isn't legally allowed to be there. Emotional support animal is a name given to pets to get them into a rental for free they have no public access rights or anything they are literally just pets. Allowing this will cause the business to discriminate against the service dog teams that try to go into the business after the pet.

  2. She's going to kill him. At 10 weeks it's dangerous for puppies to be exposed to surfaces that animals carrying parvo had access to. At 10 week old puppies arn't fully vaccinated. they arn't done with puppy vaccines until 16 weeks. Also she's headed into a Walmart which isn't pet friendly and hurts the people who's freedom rely on their service dog who are legally allowed go into places that arn't pet friendly. When people take their pets into public non pet friendly places and acts up (potties play bits barks) it causes problems for the next service dog team because the business then thinks that all dogs will act the same way so then we are denied are right to access public spaces or segregated to the out of sight sections of the business.

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