Economic Depression and Dictators: Crash Course European History #37

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We’re still leading up to World War II, but first we gotta talk about the rise of the dictators. Today we talk about the rise of militaristic dictatorships in Germany, the Soviet Union, Japan, and Spain, and the economic depression that set the stage for their rise.

-Hunt, Lynn et al. Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martins, 2019.
-Kershaw, Ian. Hitler, A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton, 2010.
-Kotkin, Stephen. Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941. New York: Penguin, 2017.
-Slezkine, Yuri. The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017.
-Smith, Bonnie G. Europe in the Contemporary World, 1900 to the Present. 2nd ed. London: Bloomsbury, 2020.

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  1. Ugh I feel the same things happening in America right now and hoping there are more people who have sense to help stop it from happening.

  2. Japan: *attacks the 2nd largest country on earth
    Japan: I started ww2!
    Europe: no cuz China Asian so it unimportant
    Germany: *attacks Poland
    Europe: Europe at war this is ww2!

  3. If you’re watching this video on 20th century European history thinking “Orange man bad” you have problems, you’re not onto something here. you’re scared about someone propagandizing the population? and you’re so sure that you’re the one seeing through it? perhaps it’s you who should be worried about being propagandized, if you find yourself in a narrative where your whole struggle is correct and all your enemies are immoral, maybe you’re the one living a lie.

  4. If you look back to any dictator who was originally just a politician, they all had a shared philosophy and route to taking power: division. Even today’s dictators divide to reach their goals. There is nothing that divides myself from a black man or a white man or a gay man except the facade that we place in exchange for reality. It’s what the elite want. A divided people cannot rebel as a group if they don’t believe they are one. Every great revolution defied this. Egypt’s revolution was born out of a phrase that mean “one hand” the French Revolution was born from both educated and uneducated men and women who felt dishonored. Even the American Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s was not at all possible without white men at the face of the movement. Division is the only thing keeping the people of the world from true democratic and economic freedom. Damn I kinda went off ion even care that much low key lmao

  5. I love your videos. They are great overview of history and how it all links to present day. It's a much needed contribution to those former history students with boring professors. I always say, a good history teacher is a good storyteller and that is you. I hated economics in college, but would you be amazed to know I majored in French history based on the guidance and classes from a Early Modern French Economic Historian?? It all made sense.

  6. And yet again there is a fascist in a right wing party in germany demanding to bring back masculinity (annd all other sorts of Nazi rhetoric).

  7. the interesting thing about fascism is that it both is and is not ideology. it definitely has an ideology but no one joins for it, they join because they are looking for a sense of worth and community.

  8. There is one thing I would like to point out; “The night of broken glass“ or “Kristallnacht“ is a term created by the nazi. It portrays the broken glass of the destroyed windows as beautiful crystals. 
    Because of it is an euphemistic description german pupils learn the term "Reichspogrom"( in English Pogromnight) instead of the night of broken glass.

  9. This channel: "The Left and the Right cause Communism and Fascism to rise and that leads to BAD THINGS."
    Comment section: "OMG Fascism is rising, we need Communism to prevent BAD THINGS!"

  10. I find it absolutely amazing that wealthy trust fund hipsters wear soviet insignia as if it were any less murderous than the Nazis. This video highlights the dehumanizing and genocidal nature the soviet insignia represents.

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