Idiot Drivers But They Get Increasingly More DUMB

Idiot Drivers But They Get Increasingly More DUMB
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Idiot Drivers But They Get Increasingly More DUMB

These Idiots in cars were caught on camera doing some pretty crazing driving! We put together a compilation of some of the funniest idiots in cars moments in the past year. If you have had any experience with idiots in cars who got in a crash, had bad road rage, Insant Karma, and more please send us your dashcam footage! We would love to have you footage in our next Idiots In Cars compilation!

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About the Author: Idiot Drivers


  1. I got stopped by a Iowa State Trooper for 115mph in a 40mph zone at 22 years old. Boy, did that cure me. I'm 73 years old now and have never intentionally speeded again. The State Trooper was very nice by the way as he "counseled" me. 😎 The peak of my dumbness as far as driving is concerned. Never been in any kind of serious accident. Just a few fender benders.

  2. I worked at a livestock auction as a kid I saw lots of people putting animals in stupid places in there car one time pigs didn’t fit in trunk so to people got in trunk pigs in back seat. There’s no end to stupid

  3. Please tell me that silly cow on the phone, and with a baby on her lap, was caught and dealt with! A most precious passenger treated like a disposable item. Appalling 😡😡😡

  4. The pathetically stupid cammer should lose his license. Both of the cars passing the Amish carriage were wrong and should get a ticket, but the cammer sped up preventing the second car to pull over almost causing a head on collusion.

  5. Let's just hope that the human race never has to depend on this bunch of genius_masterminds ,for its survival. Or we are all in real trouble!………………….

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