#italy | Stromboli volcano erupts, caused the formation of a tsunami 1.5 meters high

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december 04, 2022

#italy | Stromboli volcano erupts, caused the formation of a tsunami 1.5 meters high


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About the Author: Climate change


  1. At first I thought these guys were using Indonesia's Vids for YOUR Volcano REPORT, But it is the other way around!!! Indonesia's web site is using Italy's Videos and calling it their own. Why??? SHOULDN'T WE BE SAYING THAT BOTH HAVE ERUPTED TODAY OR THE DAY AFTER!!! IF THEY ARE GOING TO SHOW OTHER ERUPTIONS AS THEIR OWN????

  2. I just came from Indonesia web site and they are using Italy's Stromboli eruption video's for their SEMEU'S ERUPTION BUT PASSING IT OFF AS THEIR OWN VOLCANO!!!

    May God guide us to the straight path PEACE
    Do you know that christmas does not have its origin in the Bible but it is pagan?

  4. Apocalypse?? How would they know??🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️This channel def know what’s coming 😂🤦🏿‍♀️it’s all man made

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