Top 10 Real Ghost Videos Caught On Tape

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Top 10 Real Ghost Videos Caught On Tape

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The sighting of an apparition can create a spooky feeling in just any one. Regardless of how a dead person was dear to you while alive, you’d rather not see them after death. Ghosts can be very spooky and fear inducing. If anyone sees them, the head feels three times bigger and lighter at the same time. Also, you’re fixed at a spot and unable to scream. Well I have seen ghosts too (in camera) and I feel like they’re truly fear inducing. Now let’s see videos of the spooky spirits caught on camera. I hope this won’t make you scream.
10. A Haunting Video of a Ghost in a Forest
Imagine going for a walk alone in the woods and at some point, hearing footfalls from behind. You look back to catch whoever is stalking you, but it happens that there’s absolutely no one. You continue walking and then you start hearing the footfalls again.
The truth is that someone claimed to have experienced this. The person was going all alone in the woods and he saw a man’s head and limbs, which were transparent. It was later said that the ghost belongs to a man who was hit on the road around the woods. Perhaps the person who ran over him had dumped the body in a river. And the ghost might have sworn never to rest until justice is done.
Hmm…well this looks real and creates some sinister feelings, but it still doesn’t dismiss the fact that there are some people who could create such an effect. Either way it’s always a real spooky experience to see a ghost keeping you company.
9. Security Footage Captures a Child Ghost
Children are always cute and charming creatures, regardless of the background and culture. But have you seen a cute child ghost before? Well, it would be almost an irresistible sight with a mixture of admiration and heightened fear. Sometimes, these children appear like they need your help and you go close to rendering it, then they touch you with their dead, morbid hands.
In this case a CCTV camera caught a child ghost walking aimlessly and crossing the road as desired. Judging from the scene, it’s possible that the child must have died of accident, probably on that same road. He wants to slip back into life, but the CCTV camera is always on its guard to capture both ordinary and bizarre scenes as this.
Despite this, the ghost child won’t stop looking for its body where it had lost it, and which must have likely been buried already. Saddening yet scary.
8. A Japanese Girl Sees the Ghost of her Uncle
When there is a close bond between two people, it’s always odd when they miss each other. Now when the bond is between a child and an adult, it’s always super amazing. But what if one of those people dies? It becomes the entire opposite of what it had been earlier. Distress and depression set in.
This is the case of the relationship between a Japanese girl and her uncle. They were so close that the girl could hardly be fine without seeing her uncle for a day. When the uncle died, the girl kept telling her parents that she saw the uncle. At a point, she sees the uncle in front of the door, even when the door is not opened and she alerts her parents. This keeps one wondering about how long the girl would have experienced this before the uncle left. Some said he came to watch over her, while several others considered it as tormenting the poor girl.
7. Australian Halloween Ghosts
Halloween is always about representation of spookiness, and awe. We all are familiar with how people wear different kinds of eccentric costumes which represent bizarre creatures, including ghosts. But this time in Australia, it wasn’t just a costume; a ghost was seen walking around a park. The friends saw the legs of the ghost almost half walking and half floating around the park.

If the ghost had headed towards them, they would almost have shat their pants.
In fact, such a sight is not for the chicken hearted, but when you’re in the midst of your friends, the fear is highly reduced. What about you being alone and seeing one? Such instances usually engender irreversible trauma. Ghosts are only romantic and fun in Halloween costumes and movies, I am sure you definitely don’t want to see one in reality. The story is usually different from what you can tell friends or write a review about as you do movies and Halloween fashion wear.


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About the Author: FactFile


  1. I saw a gost when I was setting near window with my family and it suddenly ghost it shoutend and I got scared and I didn't not sleep. And all was in my dreams . And I woke up and I didn't sleep

  2. The reason why I am hesitant to subscribe and re-subcribe with your channel because it's all crap. Some scene was taken from movies, some from fellow bloggers like mindseed tv and urbex. Your compilation is not a fact, you don't even have any proof of the scenes which its essential to your section.

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