Baba Vanga Predicted Floods, Drought In 2022. What Are Her Predictions For This Year | English News

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Psychic Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova aka Baba Vanga is renowned for her accurate predictions. Though she passed away much earlier in 1996, she had made several predictions for the future, including 2022. So far, she has accurately foreseen two out of several predictions for 2022

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  1. Sure she predicted floods famine and war in 2022 but that happens all the time floods will happen because the rainforest is being destroyed famine in any country in the world should never happen while billions is being spent on war and war are happening because of idiot tyrants who are being let get away with doing what they want so no one really has to predict these things it's being going on for hundreds of years

  2. It literally floods almost everywhere in the world on a yearly basis, I can predict a hurricane floods Cuba because that’s an inevitability.

  3. Căderea Americii de Nord este aproape și acesta este un fapt simplu! Acest continent de imigranți europeni care se autointitulează americani! Acest continent va fi distrus de natură însăși! Dezastrele naturale care vor afecta acest continent vor distruge răul, partea întunecată a războaielor. si suferinta!

  4. Падение Северной Америки близко, и это голый факт!Этот континент европейских иммигрантов, называющих себя американцами!Этот континент будет уничтожен самой природой!Стихийные бедствия, которые затронут этот континент, уничтожат зло, темную сторону войн и страдания!

  5. The fall of North America is near and that is a bare fact! This continent of European immigrants who call themselves Americans! This continent will be destroyed by nature itself! The natural disasters that will affect this continent will destroy evil, the dark side of wars and suffering!

  6. Aliens 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 are already here!!!

  7. Some people although very2 rare, have cultivation very highly rank, have the pover to words. Not surprise if anyone of this kind are burden by negative karma like blindness, short lives, land in hell for their defiled powerful words some say predictions.

  8. I’d I tell you what will happen but your thoughts on this alone will change/morph the future to your own perceptions now we have a fractured future we’re it could go either way that’s why Nostradamus wrote in quatrains for sure he saw but you persevere a riddle

  9. Baba Vanga or also Grandmother Vanga never predicted the end of the world, or mention flooding in specific Asian countries. Nevertheless she did predict many things that happened but please don’t put words into a dead person mouth as this is a big sin in all religions

  10. She never predicted about aliens and end of world and shit like that. But whoever think she is fraud is wrong. She is well known on Balkan, a lot of politician, leaders famous people went there. There are a documentary from 70's about her made by communist at that time to prove she is fraud. Which even by there efforts you can see in that documentary prophesy about Syria "Its written in the bible for you Syria there will be not a stone left from you but it's early now its not the time". When you listen something like this things made in 70's you change your perspective. She was religious, believed in God she was always saying its her task assigned because she became reading just before WWII she was seeing who was coming back from front.

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