Hero German shepherd saves 6-year-old boy from attack by neighbor’s dog | New York Post

Hero German shepherd saves 6-year-old boy from attack by neighbor’s dog | New York Post
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Dramatic footage has emerged of a modern-day Lassie saving its owners’ 6-year-old son from being attacked by a neighbor’s dog charging straight toward him.

Videos viewed nearly 45 million times on TikTok show a German shepherd named Tank initially playing with his young pal in front of their Florida home.

Suddenly, a dark dog races toward them from the top right of the screen — with Tank instantly snapping into defense mode.

As the charging would-be attacker nears, Tank moves the boy out of the way and confronts the other dog.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2022/11/15/hero-german-shepherd-saves-6-year-old-boy-from-another-dog/

#germanshepherd #caughtoncamera #dogs

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  1. This is why I only own large dogs when Ioved to the suburbs. Our dogs are well trained but not everyone else's dog is. If you have young children keep and eye on them with your dogs and without. Train your dog to obey your kids immediately. They will protect them. But you have to put in the effort. Do not get a large dog and put them in an apartment or if you do not have time to commit to training.

  2. If the kid was alone, some unreasonable dog lovers would claim "The black dog was not attacking" "It just wanted to play" or "Look at its tail, it wagging".
    Even a dog understands that a dog that plays rough should get kicked.

  3. If you pay attention the black dog is going after the German Shepherd. Then the biggest problem is that both dog owners are breaking the law by having their dogs out without leashes. I live down the road from this and it's been a continuous problem for 2 years.

  4. I've watched this over and over and do not see any dog attack on a child. I see two dogs looking at each other the whole time. The child's dog may indeed have been trying to prevent a possible attack but there was none. That's what I see.

  5. German shepherd is very tactical to defend his boy by kicking The target boy down on the floor just before the attacker came to target and then only germen shepherd attacked other dog … Save the boy first 🥇🥇🥇 and attack' the offender

  6. Did you see the German Shepherd pushed the little boy out of the harm's way before tackling with the problem head-on??? Wow! That's one GREAT FAMILY MEMBER! You are amazing, Sir (German Shepherd). Yes, he is a hero. Much respect and love to you.

  7. Dog being dog even the dog who attacked. In the vide you can see from ther very start how the owner is already running after his dog. So I don't think he deserves hate for that. He learned a lesson from there,for sure, but I hope his dog won't be in so much trouble. This is like parents no matter how they watched their kids closely but there are those times that it only took 5 seconds of not watching them and kid did something that will give parents heart attack.

  8. I wanna know the third dog's story. Was he gonna step in but changed his mind? Maybe he took the distraction as an opportunity to run for the ice cream truck? We may never know

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