I thought her jaw was broken, but it turned out to be something else! 😮

I thought her jaw was broken, but it turned out to be something else! 😮
Spread The Viralist

As the cost of veterinary care goes up, we just have to grow the number of supporters so we can continue at the same speed. Today alone we got two dogs that were hit by cars, and this means we will get hit with vet bills for thousands of dollars. A $5 donation a month is just 16 cents a day (that’s a dime + a nickel + a penny) which is probably the change from the cup of coffee so many of you got today and will get tomorrow. Please join us today as a member here and help us save more lives: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/Donate – Thank you 😊

Another way to help us is to ask #Amazon to donate to Hope For Paws. This can be done at no cost to you just by clicking here and approving #HopeForPaws – http://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-2869386

I also would love for you to submit a name suggestion for one of our next rescues: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/Name – as you can see in this video, we keep picking names from that list ❤️

I have no idea what Destiny’s destiny would have been without this call to Hope For Paws. Dogs like this require so much love, care, patience, time, and we can only do this thanks to your support.

After the rescue, Destiny continued to the hospital where my secondary suspicion was confirmed – she didn’t have a broken jaw… she just has the cutest overbite. From CARES, she continued to our friends at #FoxyAndTheHounds for mental rehabilitation and by the end of the video you’ll see the amazing progress she has made. If you would like to adopt her, please contact them directly: https://www.FoxyAndTheHounds.org

Thank you so much for watching our videos!


p.s. I would love to try something to see if as a huge team it will make a difference. If you are working on a computer, I would LOVE it if you could open a tab, click on this playlist, you can lower the volume, and let it run in the background. We are getting some funds from YouTube for every view, and I would love to see if we can increase our revenue this way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGXiflY8jCc&list=PLj_V5USE2W-AASiLZaPW6qYHmyfF00sNs

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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  1. When I saw destiny I remembered our lost dog Oreo. Hope who took him will take good care of him too because he is a friendly loveble dog. God bless your team

  2. Takie bogate samochody a wśród nich biedna psina to straszne.Dobrze że ktoś powiadomił Anioły z Animals które natychmiast przyjechały by za brać psinkę w dobre miejsce.Dzieki

  3. I would love to donate, but not everyone has a credit card. Please get on Paypal, its so easy to use it from Europe to you, Eldad..or any other way without a credit card?

  4. My absolutely love you your voice is so calming and I have seen you save so many animals and God bless you I give every time I can I'd love to be a part of your team or to start something like what you're doing in my area we don't have a lot of dumps when it comes to animals in the Florida area but there are still a lot of people that dump cats not So Much dogs but I know that North Carolina and Georgia and South Carolina have a lot of that where people just leave them on country roads and it's so sad my dream was to always start a rescue you make me feel like my dreams can come true you are the kindest man on Earth God bless you and everything you do for these animals

  5. It was in her Destiny to overcome her sadness and pain by being loved 🥰
    I hope this sweet baby will have her happy home soon 😊❤
    Thank you HFPs, bless you 💝

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