Flood in Montella (Avellino)! Mud and debris on the streets Italy! – temporale montella

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Bad weather in Campania, with roads and underpasses flooding throughout the region.

Mud rivers, where the chestnut festival was held in Montella, in the province of Avellino, soon swept over the gazebos.

As you can see in some of the videos circulating on the internet, a real river of mud and rubble formed downhill, occupying an entire road and taking away everything it found in its path.

Damage and disturbance also in the Salerno area, where strong winds and torrential rains overpowered the Irno Valley this morning. Among the hardest-hit centers is Mercato San Severino, where heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding.

The condition of the Solofrana and Calvagnola creeks, which flood the streets of the Sant’Angelo hamlet and emerge from the shores, is also constantly monitored.

Also, at Mercato San Severino, a driver got stuck in the Via Faraldo underpass.

Hundreds of drivers were also stranded on the Avellino-Salerno highway connection for hours due to a severe storm in the south of Italy this morning. In a short time there was a queue of at least 10 km in the direction of Salerno, starting from Solofra in the province of Avellino.

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