Flying Skydio 2 Drone in Trees – Does it Crash?

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Some highlights from this weekends two 20 minute flights with the Skydio 2 + Controller. No color-correction, stabilization, speed ramping, or reversing of any kind on the clips in this video.

Track 1: Island Journey – Wendel Scherer
Track 2: Unknown
Track 3: No one is safe – Pierce Roswell
Track 4: Uncharted Planet – FormantX


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About the Author: Kendall Martin


  1. I've got mine (after a 6mo wait) with the Deluxe kit & Beacon. I bought it thinking I could fly in my local park with one tree. I better up my game! To post on YouTube BIG FINE without a Commercial License. Glad I checked the rules. Skydio is a UNICORN…IMO

  2. This video was both relaxing (great music) and mesmerizing at the same time! I ordered a Skydio recently and hope to capture similar shots in my back 40 now that I've seen that it can be done.

  3. love this. The only thing I need to make this the drone perfect for me would be the ability to fly without the sensors at night. if in the future they allow you to do this and forego the warranty, it'd be fantastic.

  4. I have a Skydio2 on order and can't wait to get it. It will be my first drone and I will use it around my boat on Lake Erie. Have to learn to edit video now.

  5. The ability to fly backward and sideways without knowing where you're going, and not hitting anything, is incredible footage. Kendall, I wonder if it helps to aim the camera in the direction you want to try to go when stuck. Oh, and I also like the DANGER sign.

  6. The biggest problem with Skydio is ME. Getting over the fear of crashing and losing a $1000 drone. I just have to fly and let it do its thing

  7. This is super awesome, it’s what I’m looking for. Most people just use it the wrong way. They are flying high 100-200 feet or flying straight line or flying in open space which is a waste. I wanted this drone to follow me hiking through the roughest trails.

  8. can it fly faster? looks like it was crawling.
    also, did you do anything with the color? the video does not look good compared to DJI's color

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