If you can't sleep, check out these funny animals.

If you can't sleep, check out these funny animals.
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About the Author: Paling Imut


  1. That drake is trying to hump the lady ,anyone familiar with ducks can see this😂
    Not sure she realises her pets carnal intentions .

  2. Меньшие наши братья, они такие милые и забавные, без них скучно было бы в этой жизни, они рядом и уже хорошо становится на душе!♥️ Спасибо повеселили!🤗

  3. I loved and laughed every clip in this video. They were all new unseen hilarious clips I haven't seen and enjoyed every 1 of them. I'm glad I happened to come past, definitely has my subscription to this channel. Thanks for the laughs. 💗🤣✌️

  4. Me: idly playing age of empires or smthg on my cousin's computer.
    My cousin's guineapig: hey you! Yes you! What you think you're doing! Get up and get me a cucumber! I need cucumber Right Now! Stop ignoring me!!

  5. That first one wasn’t too funny, the cat had one eye and I can’t tell how far the drop was (looked like a stair banister or balcony) …what if he had balance issues and didn’t land ok

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