Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Video: New York at a Stand Still

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Inside the eerily still metropolis the day after Hurricane Sandy.


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About the Author: ABC News


  1. I was there when that happened! My rental apartment was on the 26th floor in the Financial District, and we didn't get the memo to leave, so we stayed in the apartment for 2 days before venturing out. Blehhhhh, getting up those stairs, lol. It was fascinating though; the amount of water in basements and coming out of the subway entrances, the people all being kind and helpful. It was actually heartwarming.

  2. And now a new hurricane cat 1 is coming your way. Henri. Time for new Yorkers to start whining like it's the worst hurricane in existence again. You had all year to prepare. Years even. Ready or not here it comes.

    Let me know when it's like hurricane Michael. or hurricane Henry. or Hurricane Wilma. Then we'll talk worst hurricane in existence.

  3. What a lot of people didn’t realize is that at this time, almost all of NYC was still running on copper telecom lines. Everyone’s calls and internet were using these lines that run underground. It forced Verizon to completely rip out all of the copper cabling and replace it with fiber. There’s still a lot of copper underground but this absolutely crushed the city’s infrastructure. Google “Verizon nyc sandy cable vault”, you’ll see what I mean.

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