Top 5 SCARY Ghost Videos That Will Make You PITCH a HISSY FIT

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Nukes Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS caught on camera ! Over 30 minutes of scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. As always, we check out the full list of paranormal activity, including evps, poltergeists, and the bizarre and supernatural in some of the creepiest scary videos on the internet.

Two Japanese ghost hunters experience poltergeist activity and have a strange experience with an apparition while investigating a haunted house. A haunted hotel that is said to be inhabited by 13 ghosts, and visitors are encouraged to do their own paranormal investigation. 3 VERY scary TikTok videos : A little girl experiences poltergeist activity from a child ghost, an overnight security guard has a brush with a creepy parnormal hand, and a free diver off the Florida coast records a scary video of someone or something screaming underwater. In another of the scariest videos on the internet – ghost hunters Ghostech capture creepy shadow figures. Awoman and heard friends film a strange glitch in the matrix. And on the topic of scary people- a truck driver experience something that would give anyone chills on an abandoned road. And probably scary videos that I’m probably not remembering! 😉

If you enjoyed this top 5 ghost video, you should also check out these other Nuke’s Top 5 parnormal video lists TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !

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  1. it’s hard enough to hold your breath for that long under water. but then to stay calm when you hear screaming all around you under water.?.?. straight up boss.

  2. Number one with the shadow passing thru them all you have to do is cover the flash light to create a shadow And add ambient music. Wallah How do ghost know there being recorded? 😂. Dope vid overall.

  3. 18:05 u see her left shoulder suddenly pulled something that makes the doll fall down.

    Also in 18:59 conveniently the doll keeps falling right at the same time she moves her hand or shoulder.

    Acting skills 1/10
    Set up 5/10

  4. "people are the scariest things out there…. Unless you're this truck driver. He's not scared of shit.. He'll just run over your bike, or you, and keep on trucking." LMAO😂
    I also love Nuke's distain for TikTok 😂

  5. The plane one is nothing paranormal it just the the wind speed blowing at the plane is the same amount of power that the engine can produce. Planes can even go backwards if the wind speed over powers the thrust of the engines.

  6. The underwater screams could just be air pressure letting out somewhere. Just like the video of the person who lowered their phone into the devil's pit. If I remember correctly, someone figured out that it was just pressurized air pockets that were releasing, which sounds like screams when underwater. …… Or it could be ghosts.😳

  7. Dude, I love your channel!!

    However if you consider, objectively, the fact that TikTok was created and is run by the Chinese Communist Party and that they have openly and covertly been working to undermine the values of the young people in the United States, I think you’ll understand where these videos are coming from and why.

    Every time you highlight a TikTok video you support the destruction of the United States.

    Pay attention.

    Also not everything is absolutely terrifying! Or chilling.
    I get it but it’s just redundant because usually we’re let down.
    Wake up.

  8. That motionless plane trailing a motionless banner even though we hear the engine is in a headwind exactly matching its forward air speed. Ground speed is zero. Pilot need to vector to one side.

  9. I think the scariest thing in the basement of the Kingshead Hotel was the freaky looking blonde woman with the tattooed neck and multiple piercings. The resident spirit most likely just wanted her out, so smacking hard something does the trick perfectly.

  10. a plane can actually stay in one spot depending on how wind moves rare but not unheard of sometimes they can even go backwards but they keep the nose in the same direction. I wonder if the pilot knew sometimes it's hard to tell being up so high.

  11. Now that Nuke's schedule is more staggered, I find it exciting to see a notification that he's uploaded a vid. It's like Christmas. I'm watching the first clip and can't help but notice how the mysterious lady in the attic has arms that looks skeletal, yet her face seems filled out. Okay, back to the fun.

  12. I've seen planes that seemed to be stuck in the sky too! I figured there must be an explanation so I asked google: "Techincally, there is only one way for the aircraft to remain hanging motionless in the air: if weight and lift cancel each other out perfectly, and at the same time thrust and drag cancel each other out too."

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