Atheist Shocked by Who He Saw in Heaven | Near Death Experience | NDE

Atheist Shocked by Who He Saw in Heaven | Near Death Experience | NDE
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Jose Hernandez shares his NDE (Near Death Experience) as an atheist. Who he meets in Heaven brings him to tears. A Near-Death Experience or NDE is when someone dies and comes back to life. A Near Death Experience (NDE) is something that someone never forgets and changes them forever.

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About the Author: Shaman Oaks


  1. I am still in nearly paralyzing grief over the sudden and tragic death of my mother 6 months ago. This testimony felt so authentic and real and beautiful … thank you God for letting some people experience this as a gift to those of us suffering with such anguish and sadness.

  2. I grantee you that wasnt and angel of God, that shadow still follows you and it's not of God. But that an easy fix you can comfirm your self. Pray or ask what ever is following you if it can process that Jesus is the chosen one of God, the son of God that has come in the flesh for the sin of the world, and behold it's true nature will be revealed to you. When it does reveal it self call on Jesus Christ the son of God , the one from the Bible.

  3. I hope every Feminist watches this. this is how Men feel. some men express it differently. some men live what they think they should be… but always feel that pressure inside. Men are not so simple!

  4. JESUS said, recorded in "The Gospel [[ ACCORDING TO ]] John", chapter 3, verse 13, Quote;

    And No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even The SON of MAN, which is in heaven… End Quote…

  5. Either you like it are not, those entities we see after death won't let us leave this stupid place, this ream of reality, they will always use this human body to mind wipe us, get us back here to give them more lush energy, make us chase the samethings over and over again, chase money more food to survive, sex, and some of us drugs, boring reality, am tired of it, i won't come back here no matter what

  6. I stubbed my toe and it hurt really bad and I thoguth I saw my grandmother stirring a big pot of creamed spinich. The amazing thing is that my grandmother is DEAD. Now I know she is in heaven and there is creamed spinich in heaven. This near death experience can not be explained and therefore no one can deny that god exists!

  7. If you’re not a born again Christian then chances are that you’ll be unable to place your right palm on the KJV and say these words once only-> I refuse to be deceived by the devil.

    Rev.12:9 The devil deceives the whole world.




    NO ONE has gone to heaven and returned, except for Jesus- John 3:13.

    If God's Word says it, end of story!!
    Why would you believe a mere man instead of the Word of God???

  9. Except a man be born again, he will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No exceptions. John 3:5 ¶ Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
    No second chance, no promises to change, nothing a human can do to change the Word if God. Man does a good job of creating God of their own imagination. That called idolatry.

  10. Are you sure you didn't visit hell and you were tricked into seeing things that look good like what you saw because you were falling down and heaven is up not down and the shadow that touched you if it was the Lord why is he choosing to be a dark shadowy figure when the Lord is like the sun. The devil can also trick you into thinking that you saw what you saw he did the same thing to Jesus when he wanted Jesus to bow down and worship him he showed him all the things in the world that he will give Jesus if Jesus would bow down

  11. Neuroscience is a relatively new discipline and there are already explanations about what happens to the brain in near death experiences, the brain may react differently depending on what's going on in the body (lack of a certain chemical, lack of oxygen, low blood pressure, etc.), Give it a few years and all this mysticism will be gone (at least for the rational folks).

  12. Jose is such a perfect communicator! How I wish I could get some friends to watch such a video. I don't see how anyone could doubt Jose's words and his heart. Ya can lead a horse to water but can you make him drink? Thank you so much Jose. I will try to share this!!!

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