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#ghostcaught #paranormalactivity #abandoned #hauntedplace

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All places I explore are ether public places, open 24/7, or I have permission from
local police departments or owners to explore certain places..
I do NOT condone Trespassing on any property !! so please get permission or explore places that are open to the public.

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About the Author: FRANKO TV


  1. Hey Frank, the reason you see so many small boxes filled with bones is because in Spanish countries when they're going to bury someone with a loved one like a mother or father they take the bones of the relative long gone, and they put them in a smaller box that way they can bury the recently deceased relative. The cards you found are called Briscas, they are Spanish (from Spain) cards, they're used to scrye past, present, and future, buy many Spanish mediums, but they can also be used to play card games.

  2. Why do you not speak in spanish? Do you mean that they understand all languages? Because in older videos from lationo american cemeteries you spoke spanish…Thank you 🙂

  3. That rampart, with the continuous beep noise that just never ending I have to turn my earbuds down because it's too freaking loud. I can't stand those freaking run pods I find them very annoying and they hurt my ears but whatever

  4. No it's not a key to unlock a box anywhere else it's a key that represents Hecate. Don't touch it literally do not touch it you might need you might want to look up and maybe even other deities that people worship in black magic so at least you have a clue of what the hell's going on and the key represents Hecate so with that being said is a witch myself don't touch it

  5. Frank have you ever considered doing a bigfoot/sasquatch video. I think conspiracies work best for your channel e.g area 51, skinwalker etc. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

  6. Hi, Frank. I’m a huge fan from Portugal. In minute 21:53 of your last video, I think something is watching you behind the wooden door with a locker and then moves away. Maybe it’s just pareidolia or a image/shadow caused by your camera , or maybe a person/worker checking what you are doing. Thank you for your amazing investigations, lots of proof of the paranormal, caught all by yourself, respect.😀

  7. You just played there game flipping that tarot card they were stacked nicely they were meant for some one to flip a card be really careful that card was a bad card

  8. Hi Franko my name is Cori and I am a big fan and love your content and love watching your older stuff when waiting for the latest vid from you, but there is quite a few of your old ones not there anymore???!! Is there a reason for this as I really miss watching the older vids. Really sorry to ask and am really hoping that you can re-upload all your old content. Please help as your vids and your fantastic attitude and personality really have helped my life.

  9. Franko! Thank you for the travels and the things you do. I just want to say, coming from a background of witchcraft and the spirituality that surrounds itself from it, not all things are bad. Sometimes people will leave trinkets of what people may have done during their living life and perhaps left gifts they can use in the "afterlife" or whatever it is people refer it to. Now yes, will people do spells and leave things behind on a corpse, yes, but I will not get into why they do, just because I don't want to give anyone ideas where they may hurt themselves or others.

    Now 20:45 before you said it smells weird there was a laugh.
    21:25 another voice while you're saying it smells like cologne

    I appreciate you. Stay safe.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  10. I'm sorry I don't agree with anyone doing paranormal type of stuff . I've seen plenty of paranormal type of shows on TV and on here on YouTube and you folks are tabbing into something that you will never understand. You're taking a huge risk with your lives. Keep doing what you're doing eventually the devil will answer & when it does what are you going to do? I have had my share of paranormal encounters but I don't go looking for it at places where I know that I shouldn't be. I have those things happen to me here at my home. Please, don't take risks. Be safe🙏

  11. What an incredible video!! It's so different over there. I can remember watching videos about a mausoleum here that had some bones showing and people freaking over it. But it seems pretty normal there. Awesome video Frank ❤

  12. How horrible for family/loved ones to see such carnage when possibly visiting family down in that area. Terrible,…I had to fast forward some of that. Didn't really wanna know what they did during an autopsy.

  13. Hi Franco , great investigation, can't stop watching 👻. I recently find your chanel 😊 thanks to @caspersight. Thanks for your work and keep it up .

  14. The Boxes are called 'OSSUARIES' , 'OSARIO' Sp, An ossuary is a type of burial site known as a secondary grave. That means that the body undergoes another type of burial or treatment before its interment in an ossuary. Only skeletal remains are stored or kept in ossuaries

  15. Frank, it is so exciting and great to be able to discover and see all this with you. Thank you for your work and for giving us the opportunity to be there!

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