He sitting there on the step in front of supermarket thousand people pass by but no one help

He sitting there on the step in front of supermarket thousand people pass by but no one help
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He sitting there on the step in front of supermarket thousand people pass by but no one help

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Special thanks to rescuer: Fahrudin Caki Bravo

A poor puppy was abandoned in the day of Easter on a steps of supermarket. Everyone walked by her and pretended not to see. I don’t have words… so help us God. Poor puppy about two months age, severe demodex… She’s aloned there without Mom, without help! I looked at her eyes. It’s so sad! I named the poor puppy is Aurora and took him to my home. Aurora is very hungry. She eat a lot of good foods i give to her. Bathing to clean Aurora body and sleep well. We will go to the Vet tomorrow for checking and treatment.
Thanks rescuer: Karmina Giurgiu

If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: jamesruddypp@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!

#animalrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. 誰も助けないってとても酷いです。







  2. Arora is such a beautiful little girl and so lucky to be rescued by you. All she wants to to be safe and cared for and in return she has so much love to give it overflowing from her to you. Thank you for being such a caring person to rescue the adorable baby. xoxo

  3. It was cruel seeing all of those people walk by and not offer to help her. I'm so glad you finally picked her up, took her in and kindly gave her the treatment she needed. She turned out to be a beautiful little girl. 💕

  4. Я живу в Осетии, но не коренная жительница( из Грузии).Знаю людей,которые занимаются кормёжкой бездомных животных и такие люди подвергаются нападкам со стороны большей части населения Северной Осетии.А ведь осетины называют себя потомками великих аланов, где это величие? Женщине огромное спасибо и всего самого наилучшего💋❤🙏🌹

  5. Millones de gracias por haber ayudado al pobre angelito peruno 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏es tan pequeño pobrecito dios mio… Yo no sé como hay personas tan frías viendo un inocente que sufre y no le ayuda… Dios bendiga y protejan siempre a todos los pobres animalitos 🙏🙏🙏🙏😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Pray doggy Aurora be healthy.good skin,happy. Loved. Proected..All dogs go Heaven n whoever took care of them , God surely blesses them. Amen

  7. 지난 고통 상처는 말끔히 씻고 이제껏 누리지못한 사랑 위로 평화 함뿍 누리며 영원히 끊어지지않는 꽃길과 행복길만을 걸으며 무병장수 만수무강 하거라 아가…

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