🇺🇸 American Car Crash / Instant Karma / Road Rage Compilation (487)

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This video is #487 in the educational series that is all about USA Road Rage, Car Crashes, Brake Checks, Instant Karma, Hit and Runs, and Bad Drivers in 2022. If you’re into insane dash cam footage, fails, and more, this is the video for you.

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  1. #2… AND WITH NO LIGHTS ON. ONE OF MY BIGGEST PET PEAVES. SHOWING HOW MUCH PEOPLE ONLY THINK OF THEMSELVES. KIBDA ALONG THE SAME LINES AS NOT SIGNALING. "I'm just driving DERP. Good luck everyone else." #5 is also a great example of DERPS. Impatient ones at that

  2. First video: I would need more context about the actual street involved because yes, they shouldn't have opened their door like that, but at the same time that car was way too fucking close anyways. I say it depends on the street because if it was a one lane one way street, that's totally on the dude that opened the door. But if the street has multiple lanes and even a bike lane, that would probably swing the insurance to rule at least 50/50 due to reckless driving, and recklessly exiting your vehicle.

  3. 5- some extra context the cammer pulled over to give police and witness the video, the driver then asked the cammer if he will get it too, when the cammer declined he went to argue with the state trooper

  4. In regard to the accident with the trucker, I have a great deal of respect for truckers. They keep the country moving. That being said, some (or MOST of them) are overworked. They're not given a chance to rest in most cases. However there ARE those who believe they can just ignore the rules of the road.

  5. I recognize exactly where #12 is, that was in Lubbock, TX right next to Texas Tech campus, that was my college. It was only a few times I saw a few idiots on the road out there.

  6. #16 6:16 – Just like all of the STOP Signs and Red Lights blown, empty Roundabouts are a waste of their time. So they make a left turn and drive on the empty section to get going rather than the legal way which is to waste 5 to 15 seconds circling it.

  7. In clip five, where the lady crosses into oncoming lane in the gravel, the one turning was using her signal. Yoy can see it blinking as she's getting hit

  8. #10 is in Glendale California. Home of the worst and most aggressive drivers in all of California. People there love to lease high performance cars and drive like they are going to be cast in the next Fast & Furious movie if they drive like an idiot long enough.

  9. First clip shows why it’s most important to use your mirrors and over your shoulder. I park on the side street and follow these rules everyday and have never had this problem. People get complacent and forget you aren’t the only one on the road.

    Also secondary, at 1:02. This is why I refuse to be in a truckers blind zone. I’ve been run off the road twice by truckers. Either be ahead or behind.

  10. 2:17 – The girl holding the camera started the clip with, "Careful." This sets up the girl reversing with an inevitable fail. If the cammer didn't know otherwise, why would she say, "Careful"? 💯👍🤦‍♂️
    5:08 – This is the exact reason that when savages are gifted our hard-earned tax dollars, that they run that shit straight into the ground! 🐵🤦‍♂️

  11. First clip: did you not see the car was almost half way into the parking spot the car was sitting in? clearly Not the person exiting the cars fault i mean you can't avoid someone who is trying hit you, it even lifted up the car that was sitting in the space. i'd say the driver of the offending car was drunk so definitely all his fault!

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