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About the Author: Fun Time


  1. That was a pricey yacht burning there, bet they were Russian to get off! And to the guy at 1:36, good! You took yourself off the road so it's that much safer now. I'm still amazed that people want to have a phone with them when they leave the house, I'm happy to get away from the damn things when I leave home.
    Last summer I'm riding at about 22mph according to the computer and this guy crossing the road ahead of me just stops dead in the lane staring at his phone, I'm about 105Kilos and when I hit him his phone went flying and did not do well on landing. He was obviously injured because I leaned into him to protect myself but the guy more concerned for his phone. They were going to pass a law here making it illegal to use your phone crossing the street, it was called the Zombie law.
    Digital rehab is a real thing now, stupid phones turn people into zombies, totally unaware of their surroundings.

  2. 1:36 is a perfect example of the stupidity of using your cell phone when behind the wheel. He wrecked his own car, in 2mph, and did not kill someone driving 60 mph.

  3. “I’d like to speak to the manager”….
    Oh my God you thirsty people are so pathetic. Try being original..
    Bunch of walking zombies constantly repeating each other starving for attention..
    It’s truly pathetic

  4. You can tell looking at the people in all those manager videos. The only thing they've ever managed is a pencil case and the order of their crayons.

  5. I love it when assholes with Lamborghinis' get busted up for thinking they can just do whatever they want and not have consequences for their actions. (I hate Lamborghinis.)

  6. Did you just use that “I’d like to speak to the manager” clip to use up video time? Because there was no other good reason for it as it was boring as hell.

  7. 7:40 nothing like justifying obesity…notice how she said im a bigger woman, but only showed her face 🤷‍♂️. Fat shaming? No just givinh a dose of reality.

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