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About the Author: The UNBELIEVABLE


  1. You can tell the difference with people, trusting the building codes vs. those that don’t. If inside you take cover not evacuate. Can you imagine being outside the Mexico building, when the huge bank of windows shatter.

  2. I'd imagine that the safest place to be in Japan during an earthquake is a public building like an airport terminal, hospital, hotel or office building! They take earthquakes very seriously, & are a wealthy enough country to ensure resident & visitor safety; unlike poorer nations in the same Ring of Fire.

  3. Remember, don't run outside, all the stuff falls off buildings and people in the street get hit by bricks and tiles. Also, if the earthquake goes for more than a minute, or makes people fall over, self evacuate to high ground away from the sea, there is not enough time for most places to have Tsunami warnings.

  4. As a chilean i’ve been through 4 7.0+ earthquakes and an 8.3 and 8.9 and thousands of 4.0+ while these sassy Californians are dying with a 4.1 oh and only 500 people died in a 8.9 in 2010

  5. this is why I moved back to Korea. I lived in Nerima city with my cousin but one earthquake was enough to convince me that Korea was more stable.

  6. As a Californian most of my life until the last few years, I've felt my share of earthquakes over the years, and even one here in the northwest a couple of years ago! But in 1989, I was standing on Market St. in San Francisco, waiting to catch a bus to my car on the Coastside so heard about the earthquake on the radio in the car. I had just been standing where glass panes from the building above me crashed down, lucky I had been gone about ten minutes! I drove to the post office and asked the gal there if she felt it, and she said "Oh YES!" I didn't know about the freeway collapsing until after I got home and heard the news.
    When I was a child, there was a big on in L.A. and my mother said that everyone ran out of the house onto the lawn and people were screaming, my sister screamed but my mother said I just fainted in a little heap on the lawn! I still have the old clock that fell off the mantle and broke its face in that quake! I had it repaired years later when I found it at my parent's place in the storeroom after they had passed away. I still have it over my fireplace on my mantle now and it still works just fine and has quite a gong for a medium-size mantle clock!

  7. La terre dance le twist et le jerk et l'humain en a l'habitude dans certains pays où îles… Ainsi va la discothèque de notre chère planète terre 😉🌟✨🙏

  8. recommend making a video about Christchurch has been a lot of earthquakes probably over 100k Christchurch earthquakes is no laughing joke I never want to go through it again (4 Sep 2010 7.1) (22 Feb 2011 6.3) (13 June 2011 6.4) (23 Dec 2011 6.0) (6 Jan 2015 6.0) (14 Feb 2016 5.7) not all of them

  9. When humans are going to understand they are never ever going to be stronger than natural disasters? Besides, the earth is in constantly moving, we can’t feel it most of the time because of all the noises we make 🙄🙄🙄

  10. I've been in earthquakes (3), hurricanes (1), and tornadoes (5). I'd take a tornado or hurricane over an earthquake any damn day.

  11. جزائري مر من هنا……..الحاجا لي حيرتني في هادا الفيديو هي رغم الزلزال و الضوء لم ينقطع…. عندنا حنا غير تتغيم ينقطع بالنص نهار…. الله ينتقم من كل حاكم عربي وكل من يؤيدهم

  12. wow the thumbnail of the collapsing high rise wasnt just click bait after all it was the real deal!! 😁 to many of these disaster videos have click baity thumbnails and titles like crazy! you'd see a thumbnail of towering flood waters engulfing a whole town but when you click its just ankle deep water carrying away trash cans and potted plants…🙄

  13. 2020 hob Komet Atlas die Erde höher in ihre eigentliche Bahn.Dazu kommt dass sich die Erde bzw. der Planetenengel von allem Dunkeln reinigt.Der Erde ist es nicht egal was auf ihr passiert,denn sie ist ein für sich lebender Organismus und hat die Schnauze von uns Umweltzerstörern voll!

    Der herannahende Riesenkomet Bernstein Bardinelli mit 130 km Durchmesser Ankunft 2031 tut das Übrige! Was wir spüren sind bisher nur die Ausläufer,Wacht auf und betet,bevor es zu spät ist, und Euch keine Zeit mehr dafür bleibt,Ich habe Euch gewarnt!!!!!! Haarp ist dagegen bloss ein kleines Würstchen! Ende August geht es los.Achtet auf die Vögel,sie haben sich aus dem Staub gemacht.Achtet auf die Wildtiere.den sie spüren es.Das hat nichts mit Klimawandel zu tun,den gab es seit Jahmillionen immer.Schaut Euch den Kanal von Markus Bösch an,aber der ist wirkliich nur etwas für weiterentwickelte und nicht für Dummköpfe die nichts wissen wollen da. Und ja,sobald die Erde gereinigt ist von all dem Schmutz wird sie sich erholen.

    In der Zwischenzeit werden wir von Jesus auf einen anderen Planeten weggeholt.Denn es wird einen Polsprung geben.So wahr ich hier schreibe,so kommt es.Es ist schlimmer als Sodom und Gommorra .Die Dunkelheit ist da,aber die Helligkeit des Herrn wiird sie vernichten!!! In Afrika und Indien z,B. schneits""Toll was???🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖🦅🦅🕊🕊🦔🦔🐭🐭🐹🐹🐰🐰🐻🐻🐨🐨🦝🦝🐕🐕🐈🐈🦌🦌🦏🦏 Alle Tiere werden beschützt werden,aber ihr Satansanbeter- ,für Euch siehts nicht so gut aus.Lasst vom Teuflischen ab und bekennt Euch zu Jesus Christus,dann geschieht Euch nichts!!!!!! Möge der Herr mit uns allen sein!!!!!💖💖🙏🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍😍

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