Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos To FREAK YOU & CREEP YOU

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Nukes Top 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS and CREEPY things ! Scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, Japanese ghost videos, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. As usual, we go through the full list of ALL paranormal activity, including evps, poltergeists, and the bizarre and supernatural. All of these are featured in some of the creepiest scary videos on the internet.

So WHAT is in this week’s video? A poltergeist wreaks havoc in a woman’s haunted house. A strange apparition appears on a Zoom call. A shadow figure appears in a haunted house and also and abandoned building. Ghost hunters Twin Paranormal are on a paranormal investigation at Skinwalker Ranch when they spot something that could either be a scary ghost or an even scarier creature. A child ghost haunts a woman in her home, after she purchases a haunted doll. A news woman does a report from a haunted cemetery and actually catches some paranormal activity on camera herself. And finally, a Twitch streamer catches a ghost live on stream. ALL of this and many more scary encounters in this week’s video.

If you enjoyed this video, you should also check out these other Nukes Top 5 parnormal video lists TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR !

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  1. DIE HARD FANS OF NUKE : what other channels would you recommend for me to watch while we wait new episodes of nuke.
    They’ve got to be just good as nukes

  2. 11:40 that is a timed shadow caster guys, with a tiny witch shaped paddle attached……….so yeah, this is why it's against the rules to go up there, everyone would see that machine sitting there waving a little witch back n forth in front of the light

  3. 19:29
    Investigator:”hello? You are not supposed to be over here”

    Skinwalker that is guarding the native’s grave pops out of the bushes:”I’m sorry, didn’t know that. Good day to you sir” Proceeds to walk away

  4. The floating man is the top of a radio mast. The angle they’re filming it makes it look like something floating as you can’t always see the base, the middle is bright white so reflects light making it appear invisible. Although you can see the base in some parts of the clip. Been there, seen this, had it explained by locals. (Don’t know what they’re filming as they’re travelling. Looks like something completely different. But start and end is definitely the mast, when they zoom in at the end you can see an angular antenna.)

  5. Thanks for not giving up on the uploads. Can we please see your face? Your voice is f…. legendary! PS. I've been watching your videos before you had 500,000 subscribers.

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