10 Hours of Saving Horses From Slaughter!

10 Hours of Saving Horses From Slaughter!
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This 10+ Hour Video shows all auction rescue episodes of Horse Shelter Heroes in 2021!

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Horse Plus Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization & has been rescuing horses since 2003, tax ID #20-1156396

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About the Author: Horse Plus Humane Society


  1. If you get a horse,you have to take the responsibility to keep that horse until the end,not selling it for meat,human consumption and dog food,that are living creatures.

  2. Amazing work from you guys saving as many as you can. Makes me happy to see that you are giving them all what they once would have had, food, vet care, grooming and most of all love even if there time is up. Thank you
    It really is so heartbreaking that people can be so cruel and they end up in the state and place that they do. If you don't want any animal or can no longer afford them, surrender them don't make them suffer because you no longer have interest or can't afford the cost. No animal should suffer
    Keep up the great work guys ❤

  3. You folks need to get fingerless gloves. I grew up in Wisconsin and you will be warmer with layers under your clothes. Light, warm underwear like under armor will make a huge difference. Also consider a hat. We loose a lot of heat through our heads. Just suggestions. Hope you stay warm.

  4. That poor horse with founder – he would have been so beautiful once. Beautiful markings and a kind eye. Hard to believe that anyone would let him fall into that condition.

  5. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!!!! Those beautiful babies are safe!!!!
    P.S. Ladies…..those hand warmers work great in your bras!!!! Especially if you wear a tank top with a built in shelf over your bra! You can put them between the layers.

  6. Thank y’all for this 10 hour video. It is taking me days to watch but it has so many episodes I have missed. It is really showing me how bad these horses are when they are DUMPED at the auction by unfeeling owners/ shippers, KNOWING what would happen if it weren’t for Horse Plus Heroes! Thank you Tawnee for creating your organization! Prayers for all 🙏🏼💕

  7. “Animals need a voice, and that’s who I’m trying to be.” The best quote anyone has ever said. Love you Tawnee and all the work you have done. You’re so kind, thoughtful, gentle and so inspiring. Sending so much love❤️❤️❤️

  8. Who are the horses sold to ? I understand they are being sold for slaughter. But what is the horse meat being soled to, to eat it. I am not ask for any reason except curiosity.

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