Near Death Experience Captured on Jetski GoPro Camera

Near Death Experience Captured on Jetski GoPro Camera
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After 3 years, I’ve finally had the courage to make a video documenting this incident. On the 1st of March 2018 I was practicing in a small lake alone on my Kawasaki SXR1500. My right glove got stuck to the accelerator causing me to lose all control as I was speeding into a pier at 100kph. Miraculously, the glove ripped apart causing the jetski to decelerate and stop WITHIN SECONDS of crashing into a metal pier. Looking back, I often forget about how grateful I should be for these extra days I’ve gotten to live. Be grateful for life because you never know when your last day is going to be. I’m still spooked to this very day and that was the reason I quit Jet Skiing.

Correction: The video says it was 6 years ago and it was because the GoPro info told me this. I went back and thought about it but I know this happened in 2018 so it was 3 years ago from the day I posted this video, not 6 years.

Near Death Experience Captured on Jetski GoPro Camera

Near Death experience
Almost crash
Kawasaki Jetski
Stand up Jetski


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About the Author: Pep Motorsport


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