Gangplank – Before the Rework

Gangplank - Before the Rework
Spread The Viralist

What was Gangplank like BEFORE his rework?


We have a discord too:

New Twitter:

Gangplank Season 4 Gameplay – Teemtastic
Old Fiora Compilation – Ceiwyn
Master Yi Season 2 Gameplay – Peterson
Super Trash Bros. vs Dankey Kang – maxmoefoe
Gangplank Top Season 5 – Managzium Hidrojun
AP GP OP Guide – SivHD
Black Market Brawlers Annie Gameplay – TheGeerg

Pirate GP voice – JJCasey


Mikel & Gamechops Poke n Chill – Lavender Town
Mikel & Gamechops Zelda & Chill – The Great Sea
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – Malo Mart
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker – Pirates
Pokemon Colosseum – Pyrite Town

League Wiki stuff:

Gangplank –
Old Gangplank –
Gangplank Announcer Voice –

You can also easily navigate to find the other voices, patch notes, etc.

See my AD Thresh Itemisation Guide on MOBAFire:

Stream music is by Gamechops

Game Music Leveled Up

Hey, you read the description, big PP energy to you!

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League of Legends lol lol reddit “lol reddit” opgg euw na kr eune “reddit league of legends” “legends of runeterra” runeterra evelynn worlds “lol worlds” champion champions “lol champions” 2019 2020 kda ahri akali kayle wukong “kda ahri” poster riot points “riot points” top “lol top” adc Thresh probuilds “thresh probuilds” “dark star thresh” dark star high noon “high noon” “thresh lol” pro builds pro build god price mobafire s9 s10 “dog walker thresh” meta metalol “lol thresh ad build” “ad build” “ad thresh top” “thresh full ad” “full ad” full ad thresh s8 “build thresh” “full ad thresh” “lol ad thresh” “ad thresh build” “thresh full ad runes” God why is youtube so hard now jesus christ ad kassadin troll viable “ad thresh” tresh “ad tresh” l Xin Zhao AP Chogath Cho’Gath Cho Gath Yes Hi You Read These For Some Reason But APPARENTLY YouTube Decided “Tags” Should Do Basically Nothing and the bloody DESCRIPTION matters more in searches and related! WOW! Anyway Back To Tags Gwen Seraphine Viego Samira Lunar Beast Spirit Blossom Lore Kekw Akshan Vex Season 11 12 Preseason Worlds EXE Yeah I’m Not Chilling Smite Nor Challenging Smite I’m Just Kinda Some Guy That Plays Thresh and what? Pootis Spencer League Amogus Ricardo Milos Gank Gankplank Tankplank Bankplank Bank Tank AP GP OP SivHD Miss Fortune Misfortune MissFortune Funny Pun Multiversus
#Gangplank #LoL #BeforeTheRework


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About the Author: Cryo


  1. I love this series and I truly can't wait until i see a video about my man, pre-rework yorick. He was the most fun I had with any champ and I really miss him.

  2. As much as I love blowing up the enemy backline with barrels in current LoL. There will always be a place in my heart for old AP GP. It just worked so well. Back then every champ didnt have 20 dashes so one good ult and they are either dead for have to burn sums.

  3. i know i am late to the party on this but there was a smnall but major change skipped over here. GPs Old Old E before Raise morale was just a buff toggle button it actually required Gp to kill a minion he could use it to quick clear enemy creeps OR use it to try and deny enemy minions it was a hold over from early game design were they considered allowing players to deny like in dota 2 but was later reworked. and Gp was the last man standing with a deny function 😀

  4. Old gangplank with the sailor skin was one of my favourite champs to play

    I have shaky hands so micro is hard for me, the barrels made it totally not worth it for me to play gangplank:(

    Bankplank was my favourite followed by the AP build

  5. I love that League matures with it's players. As you said, many reworks were funnier, prettier and lighter back in the days. I don't see it as a bad thing tho, Riot is doing amazing job in it's world creation and I can't wait to dive more whatever they will bring

  6. reworks are awesome but i miss funny champs 🙁
    at least we still got shaco and zilean with their quotes
    but I do miss fiddle's personality and morde's cheesy metal quotes

  7. I didn't now I needed this video until I searched for it and found it, I'm glad you made it.

    And Yes, I'd pay any amount to make this fucking annoying announcer stops yelling at me, Gangplank's voice was sooo much better

  8. I miss when his E would kill his own minions and you would use it on cannon minions to deny a good amount of gold for the enemy. Denyplank is best plank

  9. Gangplanks rework was an awesome player experience and I don't know if it can be replicated. I like how it all tied in with miss fortune unexpectedly. I'm open to being surprised again 🙂

  10. people that bitch about how broken gp is they would probably bitch more about the old gp lmao , if hes so broken play him uh wait you're probably too handicapped to do barrel combos

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