Warning! This Will Repeat A Global Disaster

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Warning! This will repeat a Global Disaster unless we realize what’s going on and we take Action!

When you look back through history, there were massive disasters that occurred that led to massive casualties. We can look back with the benefit of hindsight and see what went wrong. The problem is those who don’t know history are bound to repeat it and doomed to repeat it. And that’s exactly what is happening now.

So in this video, I’m going to break down and show you exactly what’s happening.

🔥 Show you the policies that are being put in place that are forcing these actions
🔥 Explain through the lens of history when these exact same occurrences have happened.
🔥 What exactly happened in detail. Hint, it’s not good.
🔥 And I’m gonna tell you what we can do hopefully to change this before it’s too late.

So let’s go!

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Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor, and nothing I say is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. I will NEVER ask you to send me money to trade or invest for you. Please report any suspicious emails or fake social media profiles claiming to be me. Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing. My videos may contain affiliate links or sponsorship to products I believe will add value to your life and help you. In some cases, I may receive payment or other consideration from the companies mentioned in the videos. No matter what I or anyone else says, it’s important to do your own research before making a financial decision. SEE FULL DISCLAIMER HERE: https://go.1markmoss.com/disclaimer


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About the Author: Mark Moss


  1. Another great presentation of yours Mark, keep up with the info, it'll filter through eventually. Group Think will alter this winter when fuel price hikes become apparent.

  2. Love your history lessons. Conclusions from history are difficult. Central planning in china, Russia/ussr, was done by a dictator whose way to the top and to stay at the top was through force. The planning was one paranoid guy doing the planning and commanding subjects who were driven by fear rather than offering up useful information. Maybe more collaboration without a dictator might have improved their outcomes.❤️. The great reset is worrisome

  3. Mark great vid BUT one thing I see is biblical prophecy we are going to be in deep shit in the comming years starting now. I don't think we are going to stop nwo. So what we need to do is to get ready food water shelter energy you know the mantra. I like your style.
    Michal B Rush wrote a book
    The remnant shall return. We'll worth your time to read.

  4. Hi Nark,
    You just keep getting better! Yes, like the historical references and it puts today in context.
    We also need real advice on how to deal
    with this mess.
    Please give an update on your farm.

  5. It only this video could go viral movie people would finally wake up it’s getting to be a very scary stage right now, very excellent video thank you for your efforts, very well done and easy to understand, the schools don’t teach history anymore and our children are being indoctrinated exactly as you mentioned, how can we stop it?

  6. love you Mark…great work…shows real substance and I've been able to show this to leftist greenies and demons with good results!

  7. Great video as usual, that was something I wasn't aware of. I have shared it and look forward to other videos. Thanks for taking the time to make these videos to educate ppl who for the most part are blind and brainwashed.

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