Most Expensive Fails Ever Caught On Camera !

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Do you know that pit you get in your stomach when you lose your wallet? Now try to imagine how the owners of these items feel! Today we’re going to show you the Most Expensive Fails Ever and you’ll be amazed at how much money you can lose in one second!

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About the Author: MAD LAB


  1. " A brand new boeing is worth $419 million"
    idk where you got that because even planes bigger than that one are worth only like $150 million

  2. ahhh snap… that leaking wine… i had a workmate drive a forklift into a small silo and he just left the forklift in there until we pumped out as much as possible.

  3. The most expensive fail I've ever had in my life? I was transporting a load of pH balance chemicals and chlorine tablets to a job at a local swimming pool. Cost of materials was about $10,000. I lost the load on the interstate. Then hazmat fined our company $7500 to clean up the spill. Luckily I didn't lose my job. Insurance. Most of all…highly concentrated amounts of chlorine gas didn't injure anyone else. One lungfull and it acts as a chemical weapon. Shocking the lining of your lungs. They immediately fill with fluid to protect other vital organs. You basically drown to death on dry land. Scary shit bro!

  4. 1st I'M NOT A MILLIONAIRE OR SOMETHING I'M JUST A REGULAR GUY, FOR REAL i lost like 300000000 dollars in my olive farm, the devilish farmer and his two sons were stealing from the farm for 25 years giving me 9% of the gain and stealing 91% until i went unexpectedly to the farm and caught them right handed
    They used to send me two trucks of extra virgin olive oil and say: oh this season was so bad (i said to myself: every year?!) so i went and saw like 50 trucks filled with olive oil (each truck worth 200000 dollars) and said to him: ha you said that the season was bad so from where these trucks came from? He was speechless then i called the police and i still have so many court hearings till i get all of my money back (I wish him & his 2 sons eternity in hell) [AND AN ADVICE FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS A FARM: KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON THE FARMERS PLEASE]

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