Scientists Finally Try to Explain Near Death Experiences

Scientists Finally Try to Explain Near Death Experiences
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Near-death experiences have puzzled scientists for decades, but now a new study claims to have cracked the code on what these mysterious experiences really are! Check out today’s new video to learn all about what scientists are claiming happens when you nearly die!


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About the Author: The Infographics Show


  1. Science cannot explain after death they have not that much potential to explain only spirituality can explain what happens after death spirtualuty is way above science

  2. It’s so sad that people rather sit and try over years to medically explain a miracle rather than believe that it was the grace of god.

  3. Science only means knowledge. There is proof life after death. When some people upon this world when they say they don't believe in a higher power or they believe in The Big bang theory. The scientifically impossible that the big bang theory created everything that we see a big explosion because it causes nothing but chaos and destruction. God he Jesus Christ gives us many evidence that he exists when you look at different species of birds and animals from the tiniest organism from different species of plants and we look at a human DNA there's intelligence design behind it because the Lord made man and is perfect image and we know right from wrong of morality. The Lord is paying us and wages wages of sin is death. Please Don't judge God to Jesus Christ and his word when you never study the Bible. There's so much overwhelming evidence of Jesus resurrection how he appeared to 500 people at the same time. Even though the Bibles written by man it was guided by God's holy spirit through man and the Bible is a love letter to us from God through Jesus Christ through his holy spirit. so I pray that you put your faith within Jesus Christ for your salvation and do your 100% best the practice righteousness and Holiness and to live by it to love your neighbor as yourself and to remember the fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23. We're not saved by Good works to get to heaven but Paul talks about show me your faith part from your works. And when we do get saved we produce our good works and these good works that we do is help the poor and the hungry and sick loving our neighbor as ourselves spreading the good news of the Gospel sharing our testimony and doing our 100% best love the Lord with all of our heart soul mind and strength but at times true believers we fall short of his glory at times. And don't get me wrong there's some Christians out there that call their self Christians but they're not but remember even true Christians can be hypocrisy at times. A true Christian is going to be patient kind loving forgiving self-control and much more even though we're human we're still going to make mistakes but we learn from them and we can do better when we follow the path that Jesus is on he can set us free from our sins from our transgressions and we can keep our head held high and our mind and our eyes focus on him daily.

  4. Science just cant accept the spiritual world – and its sad. There is so much evidence (30M NDEs) a year. Science can never explain how a person that has an NDE can give vivid details about the mundane (example – person see's that that their kids are fighting with each other while husband is downstairs in a house 10 miles away) Science must be able to accept that there is more to this life than we can see. Science cannot exist without the spiritual

  5. The Infographics Show

    Every video you make and upload is full of inaccuracies. For just one example, in this video you said a person is considered "medically dead when the heart has stopped" – not true. A person is considered medically dead when the "brain" and heat has stopped functioning.

  6. No one will know until biological death, there is an afterlife, many people see and feel things, people have religious encounters and a lot of people see mediums etc and a lot comes true and things no one knew are mentioned. Having faith and a belief and knowing the lord will bring the journey from our life to spiritual being will bring the start of an eternity in heaven with loved ones of past and future generations joining as and when. Christianity requires a love of the lord and commandments based on decency and common sense of which if everyone followed the world would be a much nicer place.

  7. What they do get right in the drawings in this video is the Pink Floyd description of experiencing deep illness. "When I was a child I had a fever. My hands just felt like two balloons".

  8. It’s bull what doctors say. I was dead for 2min 39 sec . I never met my grandparents I only seen a single photo of them and they had to leave or the Soviets would have taken your mother and your aunts . I understood and my mom told me this when I was 18 . I do. Believe any of this. You can’t explain this what happened to me and millions of others

  9. I overdosed on fentanyl. I thought I was dreaming when I saw my friend haven’t seen for 20 years staring at me smiling at me. He had been dead for 20 years. Then I looked over and saw paramedics working on somebody. I realize that somebody was me and that’s when I realized I had to get to my body as fast as possible. Luckily they brought me back. There’s no doubt in my mind that there is an afterlife. Before then I questioned it but now I know for a fact that it is not tricks of the brain and that you go somewhere when you die.


    Psychologists who reviewed a range of Phenomena such as Out-of-Body Experiences, Visions of Tunnels of Light or Encounters with Dead Relatives, say they are Tricks of the Mind rather than a Glimpse of the Afterlife.

    Researchers at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge say that Most of the Experiences can be Explained by a Reaction in the Brain Prompted by a Traumatic and sometimes Harmless Event.

    The Researchers say that many common Near-Death Experiences are the brain’s Attempt to make Sense of Unusual Sensations and Perceptions Occurring During a Traumatic Event.

    Out-of-Body Experiences, for example, Happen when there is a Breakdown in the Brain’s Multi-Sensory Processes, and Visions of Tunnels and Bright Lights stem from a Breakdown in the Brain’s Visual System caused by Oxygen Deprivation.

    The new study also points to the Effects of Noradrenaline, a Hormone released by the Mid-Brain which, when Triggered, may Evoke Positive Emotions, Hallucinations and other Features of the Near-Death Experience.

    The Scientific Evidence suggests that all Aspects of the Near-Death Experience have a “Biological Basis”.

    Science has proven Religion and its Teachings to be Wrong and Out Dated. From the Earth being the center of the universe, Earth being flat, Exorcisms, Salem Witches, and the list go's on and on. As time moves forward Science continues to prove that ancient teachings are not to be true.

  11. It's really becoming rather unconvincing and more importantly incoherent this so-called nde. So what, people have weird experiences all the time. In the end people believe whatever they want to believe they see what they want to see and they hear what they want to hear.

    P.s. the diversity manager for this video certainly did work overtime.

  12. Blind people from birth who haven’t seen darkness or light who have a near death experience suddenly have vision. They can tell you exactly what they saw and describe people in the room and the other things they see. Blind people who take psychedelics still don’t have visual experiences. So the brain is clearly not responsible for this. Saying the brain is responsible for this based off these blind people is like having a blown fuse and saying despite the blown fuse this thing still works.

  13. Finally near explaining? No way. Science is a long way from explaining out of body spirit looking back on procedures, discussions and even distant persons which could not be seen by the person in the body, and of course life reviews.

  14. I came here after a bad dream horrible dream some lady told me that there was no god that he doesn’t exist and that I must feel what everyone feels then I woke up I was handed a black floating bag with Jesus Christ cross and I felt an insane feeling then he turned into god and he moved me from one side to another he was wearing red

  15. Scientist is a word that is misleading. Scientist are using info the best the can to draw conclusions while not totally understanding why. I consider most "scientists" as clueless. As example… magnetism. Scientist have no idea how it exist, tgey just know what it does. The body and brain are nothing more than an interface with the soul. No memories are stored in tge brain. They are stored in the soul.

  16. Death is an impossibility,
    We just transcend.
    I had an nde & I don't fear what happens next at all, in fact I'm anxious to get on with it & join the next step of our existence.✌️🙏

  17. Veridical NDEs have been reported by many; it is somewhat an OBE where the NDErs observed his/her own body during the event, and they were also able to describe etc events surrounding the body accurately – veridical NDEs shows that consciousness cannot entirely be due to the physical body – the information reported by NDErs are not chaotic/random – the human body and its physical senses are not the source of the accurate information obtained during NDE.

  18. I was taking a class by a woman who has had at least one NDE. She said that when she had this NDE, she was given the choice to come "back" to her life if she wanted. And that everyone has that choice she claims. If you choose not to come back, then you I guess are with god? I think she is a very nice woman, but who would not want to come back to your life….especially if you are young, have a family, have children? How many men and women have died very young in wars…….did they choose to remain dead?
    I decided to stop going to her class….

  19. We have after life I did not have NDE but I dreamed of my dad being sick and one of our loved one came on my dream to take him the night before he died. The second day I dreamed of dad traveling and I was begging him to stay and when I asked him if you don’t want to stay take me with you he responded no I must stay because I have things to do still and I will see you later. My dad died that night and I didn’t know until the second day of his death not the same day. So I had two dreams day before he died with one of our loved one she came to take him and the day he died he himself was traveling and I was crying begging him to stay. Can anyone explain this to me where is my dad was going and why someone came to take him. And where are they going? I was very mad at god in the beginning but I reminded myself of my drama because I was devastated not knowing where are we going after death questioning Am I going to see my dad again? I had a lot of doubts but those dreams gave me a hope and peace that one day I will see my dad again.

  20. I was pronounced dead twice when I was 12 after a road accident. It was amazing. I seen my dead great grandad and the second time blows my mind everytime I think about it. I was laying on the operating table and it's like I woke up with my eyes open. Everything was black and the slowly got really bright. My sight was blurry then came clear. I seen inside the operating room. I was sedated before I want into the room because I can remember trying to fight the need to sleep. I lasted to the count of 3 lol. I described it to the doctor once I woke up from a two week induced coma. He looked like he was going to puke. He couldn't explain it.

  21. Funfact :- If a Muslim had NDE that person see's Allah, if a Christian had NDE that person see's Christ, and language has no barrier.


  23. I have no firm opinion on NDE accounts. However, the producer of the this video seems to postulate that intelligibility invalidates a phenomenon. Understanding the physical mechanisms of a rain storm does not explain why it rains. Understanding the physical mechanisms whereby we experience the sensations of consciousness does not explain why a biological organism should experience consciousness at all, alive or otherwise.

  24. Scientists cannot explain a "near death experience" with their closed off minds, all they can do is drum up some garbage to explain it away.

  25. all I know is that we humans just need to do good things, be happy without hurting other people. No need to chase anything, Just enjoy. No lost or win. NDE makes people realize that nothing lasts forever. No one live forever. And its finally changed the purpose of his life from being initially only selfish to being compassionate towards all creatures.

  26. Many NDE-er only go for short time and entities are aware that these are short timers and deceive them by masquerading as dead loved ones so they will think it's all good after they die, and so they think that they do not need to repent and follow and love King Yehoshua / Jesus and Father God and their neighbors like they love themselves now.

  27. A wise guy once said where there is an unexplored area by science, you can find religion and witch craft. Thank you for the great content. keep it going.

  28. Scientists claim that if a brain gose without oxygen for a period of time due to a heart stopping the brain sustains irreversible damage, so how do you explain all the stories of people being Declared dead 30min or longer before coming back without brain damage! Also how can a Scientists study a light that they have never seen for themselves to study, I'll wait! Even I a Christian am amazed by these stories but I hate it when Scientists try to explain things away based on human theory and not the actual experience itself!

  29. This comment is for y'all who don't believe in near death experience stop making fun of people who actually been dead and came back to life is not a joke y'all wont say thing wrong until you die and have a near death experience

  30. Im so happy for knowing this myself i got a heart disease and my heartbeat stopped and it was the scariest moment of my life im so happy im still alive what i saw.. i saw something white but my heart begun beating again im really happy im alive again guys… I was dead for 3 minutes.. and my guy it was the most painfull thing i ever felt i heard my mom crying was more painfull.. I wish my family would never die man.. But ye all of us are gonna die a day

  31. Scientists need to sit tf down and realize that science can NEVER outweigh the spiritual world. Us tiny humans with our baby little pea brains can’t comprehend everything

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