Rescuing the abandoned animals of Ukraine – BBC News

Rescuing the abandoned animals of Ukraine - BBC News
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A photographer from the UK has travelled to western Ukraine to rescue pets displaced by war with Russia.

Photographer Nick Tadd has teamed up with a network of volunteers, taking over supplies and bringing the animals back across the border to safety in a shelter in Poland.

Mr Tadd is documenting his work on social media and hopes to raise money for more supplies and a new ambulance for the animals.

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  1. I could NEVER LEAVE my staffy as MANY BRITISH PEOPLE would never leave there furry mate!!! That's the difference between the people of the UK!!!! A pet is for life no matter what they have feeling's just like us frightened, scared etc!!! Just think about how they're feeling!!!!

  2. SOS from Russia: Goodwill people! Force NATO to CLOSE the SKY OVER UKRAINE as fast as possible. Every day brings new victims. They kill civilians, kill children, kill animals, kill the very life in Ukraine. Closing the sky over Ukraine is the only way to stop Putin. We – Russians – only need a complete military victory of Ukraine – otherwise Putin will resume aggression. No negotiations with Putin for he is a fascist! Putin is a WORLDWIDE CRIMINAL and must answer for his crimes. And don't be afraid of a nuclear strike from his side – it's just a threat from him, he is unable to put his threats into practice. He uses your fear to prevent military aid to Ukraine. By NOT CLOSING the SKY OVER UKRAINE NATO COUNTRIES BECOME an ACCOMPLICE of Putin's CRIMES against HUMANITY

  3. I donated 1500 hundred dollars to the effort to help the left but not forgotten loves of our lives. I hope it makes a difference. I get sad about all of this. Just trying to help. Thanks for Listening.

  4. bueno para eso es el dinero q muchos tienen y Dios Les presto saquélo d los bancos y ayuden estos animales por favor yo pues a duras penas el desayuno pero ellos necesitan ayuda porque los están abandonando ????. pobres animales seven tristes estresado ayuda help🙏⏳😭🆘🇦🇲

  5. Shame on all of you bus and train companies not allowing pets. May your lives also be filled with no mercy. YOU People know what’s happening and side with evil. As these horrific things continue I implore everyone Be brave and stand up for freedom or be like the scumbags who don’t allow our furry family escape.

  6. Find a lot of abandoned prams or shopping trolleys and clean dry blankets and collect and leave them at the bus and train stations. For those who refuse to leave their pets and would rather walk – at least they can put old, tired or weary pets into something to carry their weight for them ?

  7. Q trauma más grande y doloroso tanto para las personas q se ahn tenido q separar de sus amadas mascotas, es como tener q dejar abandonado a un hijo.😭😭 Igual para estos inocentes bebés q siempre van a estrañas a sus familias, mis oraciones por todos ellos y por todas estas lindas personas q están ayudando a estos inocentes e indefensos🙏🐾❤️🙌

  8. Merci de sauver ces pauvres innocents, animaux, qui subissent la guerre et ses effets, quel tristesse, ça me rend malade, tout ces regards tristes,.
    Je leurs souhaites un meilleur avenir, à pense à eux et prie 🕊🙏🌈✨
    Et je prie pour le peuple ukrainien avec

  9. I hate this 😭 I’ve been thinking of the animals this entire time…they need help as well, so thank you to everybody who is actually rescuing these helpless pets & animals 😭🥺

  10. Bravo à tous les vétérinaires et aux bénévoles pour sauver tous ces y aurait bien aussi lapins,cochons d'Inde,tortues…je vais voir de contribuer d'une façon ou d'une autre car j'adore les animaux,et ceux ci seraient bien à consoler d'avoir perdu leur maître…c'est horrible(aussi pour les maitres)

  11. Love to these people who are rescuing these helpless animals ❤️ from Newyork thanks so much the polish people to help Ukraine refugees and their animals !!!

  12. The bus and train companies, should be bloody well ashamed of themselves. Those poor people, they have already had their lives ripped apart, sometimes animals are their only comfort. What rotten mongrels those companies are.

  13. I immediately was concerned for all the animals, when I first heard of the war in Ukraine.
    THANK YOU to ALL the kind people rescuing them! SENDING LOVE!!

  14. Oh really… Why didn't Europe was not taking interest in rescuing little angles of Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir.. too much hypocrite Europe Union and America……

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