NEW TURRET Deals TWICE The Damage! Riot's Newest Buffs…

NEW TURRET Deals TWICE The Damage! Riot's Newest Buffs...
Spread The Viralist

SoloRenektonOnly is back with the best League of Legends actiooon around! Today we got some Heimerdinger with the NEW BIG Buffs to his Q and E abilities!
#leagueoflegends #solorenektononly #lolgameplay #league #sro

Season 12 Heimerdinger runes guide League of Legends
Comet – Mana Flow Band – Transcendence – Gathering Storm
Triumph – Last Stand
10 AP – 10 AP – 6 Armor


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About the Author: SoloRenektonOnly


  1. Appreciate how you explain all the champs. You should genuinely consider a rebrand… I wrote you off a while back because I didn't care about Renekton xD

  2. it's been at least eight seasons and you don't know how heimer works?! ffs sake man, all targeted W does little and has a chance to miss. I've told you this so many times. W close to your body to hit just incase it misses. It losses power after each rocket. You could've gotten 2 more kills out of this game if you read anything about heimer or read comments. EZ kills lost

  3. You don't have to point ur mouse so far away for your W. That way you get your rockets to spread out because they do base dmg that reduces beyond the first rocket.

  4. Have you ever thought of making videos to counter the meta? I personally struggle against certain meta Champs and love learning from you. Just a thought but it could make an interesting More series.

  5. The fact your turrets HIT Gwen AND do damage in her IMMUNE thing is ABSURD. I guess it’s because they count as a unit themselves, despite being a pet, so them being in the radius still does damage. I wonder if Tibbers/Daisy/Maiden work the same way. Cuz they are ‘pets’ not ‘traps’ like Jhin’s E, Teemo Shrooms, Nidalee traps.

  6. Always fun to watch heimer.
    When you go for an epic shot with your friend but he messes up the timing and screws it up… sad 🙁

  7. You flash out of gank, jungler goes behind you in a bush, and this guy goes back after useless flash and keeps pushing the lane and trying to get a kill 😅 Got outplayed like a silver, well i guess you are..

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