This Wave Happens Once in 10 000 years. Scientists Have Finally Captured it

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Until the late nineteenth century, approximately one ship was mysteriously lost at sea each and every day. Back then, pirates, mythical krakens, or even Poseidon could be blamed for ships’ disappearance. With the development of shipping and the introduction of new technologies, that number has decreased, but even up to twenty oh five, at least two ships per week continued to suffer sudden wrecks, taking many lives to the bottom of the ocean. Who or what is responsible for those crimes? It all comes down to killers. Namely, killer waves. To this day, scientists have no idea how to anticipate them, much less how to escape them. In this video, you’ll get wind of: how do waves play life-or-death chess with ships? Why do thirty-meter breakers exist contrary to the mathematicians’ calculations? And above all, what’s the secret of the killer wave’s perfect crimes?

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About the Author: Ridddle


  1. "Norwegian Dream" collided with another ship, not with a rogue wave. You can see cargo containers on its bow ( 4:36) that fell from that other ship. Can you even trust the rest of the video

  2. Only happens once every 10000 years huh?… and they Finally captured it? You make it sound like they missed it once… but the last time was, well, before humans.. were.. aliiive…

  3. KILLER WAVE…. why not just use the more common name for it, rogue wave. Thought i was actually learning about some new wave type i never heard of before, damn clickbait

  4. "This Wave Happens Once in 10 000 years. Scientists Have Finally Captured it" so your saying we had technology 10k years ago?

  5. That cruise ship that "got hit by a wave" has cargo containers smashed/hanging off the bow. I don't think this photo goes with the story. Don't be some dramatic in your coverage, it really makes people just turn off your videos.

  6. I had 3 friends die in a small craft on the Ocean. The therory is they were hit by your description of #1,a rouge wave we called 'A Slapper'. Like you said , its basically like a WALL falling on your open boat. good info here guys , thanks

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