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About the Author: CBC Vancouver


  1. Two year wait for knee replacement? Perfect. You look about 150 lbs overweight, so burn off 6 lbs per month and the success rate for the operation goes up tremendously. Get off carbs. Fuel on ketones.

  2. While they are waiting, the hopeful patients could lose weight, eat healthier diets of fresh organic veggies and fruits, drink water instead of soft drinks.

  3. Amer could loose some weight while waiting for her knee surgery. Maybe she wouldn't need the surgery after all. Good luck Amber

  4. Put a patient in a que for a group of surgeons? Some surgeons are just better than others, I wouldn't want to be told I'll just have the luck of the draw.

  5. WAITED 3 months in the US for husbands heart surgery by the time all the tests were run and waiting because of back up from covid and not enough hospital employees

  6. This is what happens when doctors can make exorbitant amounts of money just by jumping the fence. Canada needs to do more to retain and recruit qualified doctors. Also, living in Germany, we pay around 18% of our salary on healthcare. Although it might be a lot of money, you can see your family doctor, a specialist, get an MRI/CT scan, and get the results, all within three to four weeks. Then surgeries are usually scheduled within just a few weeks. Sure beats waiting a year or more.

  7. just had shoulder surgery in florida, labrum repair, rotator cuff repair and joint decompression. From initial surgeon visit to surgery 3 weeks! we pay too much for the administration of health care just to get into a lineup! $14,000 USD, yes our health system is free to some, take a HELOC loan go to another country to get surgery done and get your life back!

  8. I have become obsessed with my health, not just because I want to be healthy but also because I’m afraid of what healthcare will be in the future. If things are this bad now imagine how they will be in 5-10 years if nothing is done to fix this problem.

  9. My aunt is also waiting for a crucial hip replacement so she can move around her home without a walker. She is living alone and can barely function. The level of pain and suffering for her and so many others is completely unacceptable. The government and the bureaucrats needed to care about improving the health care sector way before the pandemic, now they are ready to go back to pre-pandemic staffing levels and pay, this just makes health outcomes much worse than they already are. In my opinion they need to funnel money into health for the next few years and then reassess what is the long term status of the sector.

  10. A surgeon took me on in December 2020, I then waited until December of 21 for my MRI. I waited to hear back from him, and nothing, for months. Finally, I called, only to be told he "retired" eight months after initially taking me on, and no one bothered to inform me. My guess would be he refused the vaccine and chose to retire instead of face discrimination, otherwise, why did he take me on? I've just been dropped, apparently no one else picks up my case, I asked, and nope, just dropped. I have chronic pain, and my family doctor is also "retired" within the last year.

  11. Maybe she could lose some weight while she waits— might help.

    I don’t blame nurses for leaving. They have not been treated well through this.

  12. Canada is losing professional doctors to USA and importing from other countries but still not enough. Why?
    The answer and solutions are not far I think.

  13. I have been on a waiting list for 15 years waiting to get a family doctor! I am 60 years old now, high blood pressure and I can no longer afford to pay for private docs……Seriously our health care system has been neglected for YEARS 😡

  14. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 4 sentadillas son unos QUINZAA.Monster muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍 Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖 los mortalesq abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

  15. One of the things I hate about Canada is their idiotic and incompetent healthcare system that I blame for my grandfather and aunt's passing. The doctors could care less about my grandfather as he was battling pneumonia. My aunt was misdiagnosed multiple times until a tumor was found way too late for her to be healed. My grandmother had to wait a long time for her appointments such that she moved back to Asia to be treated and thankfully I'm glad she did as she lived for an additional 15 years till the age of 103. If she had stayed in Canada, she would have died long time ago. Canada healthcare, you guys suck!

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