Dramatic rescue of injured calf from garbage dump in India.

Dramatic rescue of injured calf from garbage dump in India.
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A baby calf was found terribly injured at a garbage dump in India. A piece of plastic packing material had been tied around her neck when she was much younger, and as she had grown, it began cutting into the skin around her neck. When we found her it had cut several inches into her neck and was infested with maggots.

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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. पूज्य परमात्मा जी इन बेजुबान जीवों का भला करे 🙏🙏इनके दुख कष्टों को दूर करे 🙏🙏इनके जीवन में सुख शांति दे 🙏🙏!!

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