Rescue family dog father, mom and 3 puppies neglected long time severe weak, scare and dehydrated!

Rescue family dog father, mom and 3 puppies neglected long time severe weak, scare and dehydrated!
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Rescue family dog father, mom and 3 puppies neglected long time severe weak, scare and dehydrated!

Special thanks to: Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation
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Chicago Police discovered these dogs when responding to a call on the Westside of Chicago. There were 2 adult dogs and 3 puppies about 4-5 weeks old; all living in absolutely horrible conditions.
The 2 starving dogs are the mother and father of the 3 puppies. There were 12 puppies but 9 have already been sold. The 3rd adult dog was in ok condition and not pictured here.
The black/white dog was found laying at the bottom of a stairwell in the backyard with barely enough strength to stand. And he can only do that for short periods of time. The other 2 dogs and puppies were discovered inside the residence.
The owner has been placed under arrest and she has relinquished all of the dogs.
The mother and father were immediately taken to Niles Animal Hospital along with the puppies for care.

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#animalrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Chicago Police discovered these dogs when responding to a call on the Westside of Chicago. There were 2 adult dogs and 3 puppies about 4-5 weeks old; all living in absolutely bad conditions.

    The 2 starving dogs are the mother and father of the 3 puppies….There were 12 puppies but 9 have already been sold. The 3rd adult dog was in ok condition and not pictured here.

  2. This is an amazing story and I just want to say thank you and God bless you all for helping these little dogs and puppies there is many heroes out there and you guys are all heroes thank you so much 🙏✝️🕊️♥️🐕🥰♥️🐕😍✝️♥️🙏🕊️♥️🐕

  3. Y la p…a dueña renunció ,después que los mato de hambre,desgraciada Ojalá la metan presa por un buen tiempo,y pague el tratamiento del macho ,por lo menos. A ver cuando un juez /a haga pagar por maltrato y sigan otros.Yque estos hd… no tengan más animales

  4. Dios como puede haber personas q hagan daño a estos seres hermosos….. gracias a ti hay personas q realmente aman protegen y cuidan a estos bbitos gracias x ayudarlos millones de bendiciones gracias de corazón x todo lo q hacen x estos angelitos Dios les de mucho más de lo q le dan a ellos gracias gracias saludos desde Ecuador 👍🙏🏻

  5. Hooooo My God .   God is Great 👍 God is helping by you people 🙏 🙌 God bless you my Friend God bless 🙌 🙏 ❤
    If anyone asks me what is the mining of Love I will tell you people are the mining of Love ❤

  6. This story fortunately has a happy ending not like some that die or end up in wheelchairs. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR LOVE AND DEDICATION… You can all sleep well at night… 🙏❤️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  7. 🐅🐶🐶🐶💔💔💔😢😢 Thank you very very very much for saving 😇😇🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍🐅🐶🐶🐶❤❤❤❤❤🍀🍀🍀😍😍

  8. Сколько смотрю такие сюжеты, и пришла к выводу, кто снимает эти сюжеты тот и специально доводит этих животных до того состояния, чтобы слизывать потом гавах с людей. Требую выгодоприобретателям гаваха, передать всю боль животных, и воздаяние по Кону Мироздания! Да будет Так!

  9. Sepan TODOS como viven los padres🐕‍🦺🦮💔💔😞 explotados maltratados vejados hasta su muerte ‼️SI, LOS Padres DE PEQUEÑOS BBS 🐕🐕 Que TU COMPRAS ‼️😡 NO COMPRES, no fomentes a estos mantenidos ‼️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🐕🐕‍🦺🦮😍

  10. God bless you all and thanks very much for helping rescuing saving and caring for this poor helpless dog 🐕🙏🏻❣️🇨🇦. What kind of monster and psychopath that can do this to an animal 😱😤🤬No tolérance for Animal Cruelties😔😭Don’t jail this monster just give him/her back the same cruel treatment they did to the poor helpless dog 🐕 Our gratitude 🙏🏻 TOLERANCE ZERO FOR ANIMAL CRUELTIES & ABUSES😤 NO ANIMAL LEFT BEHIND🥺
    Nail and jail this bastard please
    Where is the freaking Law in this country 🤬😤😱????

  11. "Pit bulls are famous, in circles of knowledgeable dog people, for the love and loyalty they bestow on anyone who shows them a smidgen of kindness." — Linda Wilson-Fuoco

  12. Prosecute the women and have a court order if she is ever caught w ANY dogs again she goes to jail. This women should NEVER be allowed to own another animal ever again. Sorry. I don’t care what her story is. YOU DO NOT DO THIS!! Unacceptable!

  13. Que el castigo divino caiga con todo su peso para estos mounstros.. estos son los que deberían desaparecer de la faz de la tierra desgraciadamente no es así pego tengamos fe en Dios que reciban su merecido

  14. Obrigada por salvar esta linda Família. Espero que os desgraçados psicopatas que fizeram isso sejam punidos ou neste país de vocês não têm justiça neste?

  15. Люди,вы что делаете ??!!
    Вы сами едите до безобразия некоторые даже !
    ,, Праведный печётся и о жизни скота своего, сердце же нечестивых жестоко "
    ,, Добросердечный человек делает БЛАГО своей душе,
    сердце же нечестивых жестоко "
    Библия Пр 11
    Как такое возможно ??!!
    Животные Божье творение
    и ОН вас накажет за них !!!

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