ImDontai Reacts To Karen Tik Toks 2

ImDontai Reacts To Karen Tik Toks 2
Spread The Viralist

In Honor Of MajinCarp

Intro Song


PO Box 56230
Virginia Beach, Va 23456


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About the Author: ImStillDontai


  1. If I was the person recording at 3:33. I would’ve beat her ass ngl. I’m Mexican and that shit was racist. But sometimes you have to be racist too

  2. In my opinion Americans are the last country in the world, that can use sentence: "Go back to your country" in any conversation.

  3. I dont understand bro like honestly im asian and white so i dont know how it feels to be discriminated against like that its always the broke old ladys that got adopted that are racist bro i have nothing wrong anyone i just dont understand why they hate people for no reason honestly it needs to stop

  4. That AirBnB one is definitely cause they were black..white people see a group of niggas in "their" neighborhoods or anywhere near a large group of other white people and that racist blood be coming out..happened to me as a teenager a lot when we'd go to friends neighborhoods with community basketball hoops and they'd always be a white person/asian person saying something. I'm not saying all but in my experience this does happen.

  5. I’m pretty sure nobody talked about switching it it was more so “wtf why is the door unlocked?” They aren’t trying to switch just voicing their opinion.

  6. It’s crazy how racist people will say “get out of my country” as if they didn’t steal this country from Native Americans. 🤦🏾‍♂️

  7. For racism one, I remember I was chilling on Roblox, and was wearing my flag top, and I got into a stupid argument with some kid, then out of nowhere someone said "so mad because you got kicked out of your own country" I was like "dude tf, why would you say that"

  8. dude dontai your in the wrong on the clip where the people walked in yea they were in the wrong but you called them racist and disgusting even though they explained why and they weren't aggressive and they sincerely apologize all these other hoes racist doe

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