Types of Natural Disasters / Calamity / Catastrophe on Earth / Natural Disasters caught on camera

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Fact: Regardless of where you live in the world, natural disasters are always a threat.

From hurricanes and blizzards to earthquakes and wildfires, natural disasters affect all of us on planet Earth. But, how much do you really know about the different types of natural disasters and the hazards that they can cause?
What Is A Natural Disaster?
At its simplest, a natural disaster is any sort of naturally occurring adverse event. Now, that might sound like a bunch of technical jargon. But, the moral of the story here is that we can classify any negative event caused by natural processes (such as the weather or geologic activity) as a natural disaster.

Most of the time, natural disasters cause the loss of life or the damage of property, though there isn’t technically a minimum damage requirement for something to be considered a natural disaster. Indeed, since the severity of a disaster often depends on the infrastructure in a given location, classifying disasters solely based on their negative impacts is difficult.
We should mention, however, that while natural disasters are (usually) naturally caused, we would only consider them a disaster if they result in negative impacts on human life.

For example, an avalanche that occurs deep in a remote mountain range without affecting any humans wouldn’t be considered a natural disaster. But an earthquake that destroys a town certainly is.

So, a natural disaster can be defined as any event with an environmental cause or process that negatively impacts humans. Besides that, the definition is pretty open-ended.

1. Avalanches
2. Blizzards
3. Earthquake
In this video I have tried to explain the natural disasters with easy examples and vivid videos.
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