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About the Author: xenom vr


  1. I have seen so many gorilla tag hackers. it all startedwhen I saw the reall pbbv twice when I was trying to record youtube videos, I made him angry and now hackers follow me into every lobby I go into. have footage of at least 8 hackers ruining my time, and it sucks. I have gotten really mad at these idiots, I think I might show lemming footage I found and get them banned. I have seen probably 12 hackers and gorilla tag ghosts, and one time 4 hackers, (yes, I said 4) followed me into a lobby and I scared them all off. I saw daisy 09, she came in my PRIVATE LOBBY and flew around the map then kicked half the people in our lobby when we had 9 people. if you are a gorilla tag hacker seeing this, and you see me, (FLAME83) in lobby, you had better leave or else I will report you to lemming.

  2. I have just seen paul in my server he kicked me and the others out his name on the board was I he said he needed help or something like he was stuck in the backrooms and that it was watching him and he wasnt PBVV and that he needed help

  3. The creepy part about thos video I just left a lobby with the real pbbv and I will say if u see him on the bridge dont go to him my gorilla tag my game is messed up everytime I load into the game a monke with red eyes appears on your screen be careful guys u never know if your run into the real ghost or prank players

  4. I was just on sren17 and daisy09 was in it and flying and playing music and like teleporting(edit) I recorded I'm gonna post it on my channel

  5. My headset has been blacked out but not because of errorcode it’s because I had A pass code and I’m stuck in the pass code screen and basically I didn’t see the little place to put in your passcode it was just black you could see like some color but um yeah It was basically that

  6. I recently saw a bot in a private lobby, Like echo but he just learns and walks around, he will start in canyon, then walk around after 10-15 mins and then learn how to jump, pinch climb, run etc and do some random stuff like buying hats but he walks kinda funny and doesn’t seem like a faker or modded because he’s too stiff and can still run around in internmission the code I saw him in was kl1

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