Biden addresses nation on Russia-Ukraine crisis

Biden addresses nation on Russia-Ukraine crisis
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In a recent speech to the nation, President Joe Biden appealed for diplomacy to continue as the world watches to see if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders an invasion of neighboring Ukraine. Watch the whole speech. #CNN #News


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About the Author: CNN


  1. This idiot is allowing the makes of WW3 to happen. Pretty sure this leads to more money for the industrial military complex and less money for us

  2. He is using diplomacy when Russia has Invaded Ukraine.

    You can’t fix stupid

    And Biden when you look up the word stupid you see Biden his son And Trudeau all in the same space

  3. What a joke, the fake said that he has been clear and decisive, as he rubs his sleepy eyes as he tries to read the teleprompter. Goof Ball.

  4. Way to go Democrat voters. You've ushered in WW3. I thought that was supposed to be Trump's job. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a big fan of Trump, but at least he wasn't THIS incompetent. Own it Biden voters. Take pride in your stupidity. The blood on your hands is going to get much much more worse. Good job!πŸ‘πŸ»

  5. Joe Biden was it worth the Steal
    The world is in a big mess and you have no clue all because fake news backed you up made you out to be some kind of hope for Americans. Lol 50 with no accomplishments

  6. Who would have ever have thought Biden's blind following of the "GREEN NEW DEAL" would kick off World War 3.
    do the math on this people biden aka Brandon shut off all our power independence which made Russia the power for the rest of the world to obtain oil and gas from, making Putin a very rich man allowing him to build-up his Arsenal, his war room.
    I just find it very ironic that these green new deal sheep that were trying to save the world are gonna really screwed up in the end. this is a sick and crazy chapter to the "green new deal" THE DEVIL IN SHEEPS CLOTHES! Yes we should have multiple power sources I'm not arguing that but to cut off everything is insanity and look what it's done to America and look what it's done to the rest of the world shame on our current administration, you people are fools blinded by a green blindfold

  7. Why you Americans and Europeans betraying Ukraine. protecting them from a mad dictator. tomorrow you have to face the heat. Shame on you.
    finish Putin or he will destroy the world….

  8. 1) Putin has punked Biden Way worse than Ashton Kuctcher ever could.
    2) Putin has made Biden as uncomfortable as Biden makes children when he sniffs them.
    3) Biden has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that President Trump's stern policies worked! Even though trump's policies and trumps ego bruised bunch of snow flakes ❄️

  9. Biden why don't you just send Russia a guaranteed lifetime supply of water instead of having people getting ready to die over this🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

  10. This never would have happened under Trump. Rigged elections have consequences. Biden needs to go back to sniffing little girls and be charged for sexually assaulting Tara Reade.

  11. Oh God ordinary people suffered those who rule that conflict needs not need force but understanding what is the issue all about …economy all over the world will suffered and our soldiers and kids share their precious blood to that non cooperation issue they should know what is key to make things clear ..God help this people around this globe 🌎…their mis understanding issues …

  12. They promised the Russians no NATO in there spere of influence, They lied. to them just like they lie to us. The CIA lies FBI lies, CDC lies. Screw the US. They pushed the Russian Bear into a corner . Putin should build up Nuclear power against the west. Submarines and hypersonic missiles is what they need to make more of. The Elites will not stop until they get a one world communist government. I would rather the Russians kill the whole world than them aka globalist. get there way

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