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About the Author: abdoulupnext


  1. My near death experience was me choking on a pennie, when I was five years old,my sister had did the Heimlich maneuver on me, this was all inside of my dad's car🙏🏽

  2. Hey Abdoul, I’d normally call you daddy doulie but I need a favor from you. I need advice for my personal life and school. For my personal life I’ve been feeling like I’m not ready for me to go into the world without having other ppl like my mom to “hold my hand” or to help me take care of myself while I’m getting older. And for school I’m not in the right mental mindset and I’ve stopped caring about it to where the point is that my mom doesn’t even know if I’m gonna graduate. Idk abt myself lately and as a freshman I feel like ever since I left middle school I haven’t been feeling the same and Ik that as you’re in high school every year things are only going to get harder. I understand if you can’t but can you at least try to give me some advice?🅿️lease

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