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About the Author: ABC News


  1. WOW 😳 that was awsume!!! The thunder of it exploding makes you feel Gods power!!!! Dam wish i was there to see it for myself, you'd think im crazy but true destruction live, is like nothing else!!! I bet theres others who would love to have more of that happen, not to bring life on earthto an end, but just for the RUSH we'd get out of it, just to wittness it as it happens. Funny it hit Russia of all places, it could be a sign like on the Simpsons when every one in springfield crams into the religous square head Ned Flanders bomb sheltter, and the asteroid hits bang on Moe's pub only!!! 🤪😂😂👍👍😎

  2. The fact that we, as human beings, prioritize things like warfare and WMDs, business monopolies polluting our earth, and other horrific things – instead of funding ways to combat the very real possibility of celestial bodies impacting our world – its a sick thought.

  3. Sure they can see towards the sun…with filtration.
    Sure they know when anything of any size is moving towards us…with automation.
    Sure they don't have to acknowledge their knowledge…with independence.
    Within the human "race", you as an idividual have to choose your place…with the time given.
    They choose to look light years away from the meteor they are on.
    I have come to realize that i am IT ! Once i stopped looking up down and around, i decided to let you find what cannot be found.
    There's never argument from those that truely know.

  4. I guess movies like " Deep Impact " and " Knowing" aren't too far from reality when it comes to one of those big rock from outer space hitting mother 🌎.

  5. The Vast Windows should be installed with 3Ms brand shatter proof glass, that protects owners and buildings from any debris. New equipment(s) designed to release and break foreign particles similar to igneous rocks found at meteors. SMEs……Aviation, aviation science, mechanical engineers/hydraulic, chemical engineers and Geologists of their respective expertise.

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