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About the Author: Danny Black


  1. The scariest one for me was the plane collision. Danny you are absolutely right. (Retired subway motorman here). A moving train in a confined space like a tunnel has a serious vacuum alongside and behind it that will almost surely drag you under it. But great catches with the GoPros

  2. That was a blue marlin, I've seen one in NZ with a length about 12 meter or so. But the clip looks a bit like those rich guys fishing for sharks with life bait: living cats those 'Miauw beasts'

  3. The guy in de car have a mirror and could have see him, and in sort of cases they do it on purpose. There is also a video from another plain what is crashes anotherplain while people try to jump out te plain, and there is another video about two or three motorcycles who want to pass a car with high speed while another motorcycle from the oposit direction also on high speed the met eachother and everything went good… that was a wow moment!!

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