Blowing Up Earth!

Spread The Viralist

We made the world’s largest TNT explosion and destroyed an ENTIRE UNIVERSE using a Super Nova!

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About the Author: MrBeast Gaming


  1. Consider where your soul will spend eternity, heaven or hell.  You
    don’t want to end up in hell because you rejected the Sacrifice Jesus has made
    all who repent and turn to him by faith.  We are all guilty of sin. 
    We lie, steal and look with lust in our hearts.  We are all Guilty before
    a Holy and Righteous God.  GOD is not just all loving and overlook your
    sin.  He is loving, but sin He will Judge because He is Perfectly good.
    The Good news is God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ who was perfectly
    Holy to pay the penalty for your and my sin out of Love for us.  We can’t
    keep the Law we break most all commandments.  But Jesus fulfilled ALL by
    his perfect thoughts, words, deeds and motives for us because we could not.
    Jesus loved all humans and God the Father perfectly.  Turn, repent of your
    sin and confess Your thankfulness for what Jesus did for you.  Put your
    faith in the perfection and the righteousness of Christ.  Jesus was raised
    from death to give you new life; death has been defeated. Out of love and grace
    eternal life is promised to those who have faith /.,/.,/./. /.,./,/. /.,/.

  2. 6:42 I would have won this round, because jimmy said "if you don't die to this Dark matter bomb you win 100k", I would just jump in the void because all I had to do was not die from the bomb..

  3. Rocking around the Christmas tree I’m in the party hop rocking around the Christmas tree lol doll party hop racking around the Christmas tree how did the party hop rocking around the Christmas tree I don’t the party hop right in the ground the Christmas tree read the party hop rocking around the Christmas tree and then we party hard rock in around the Christmas tree,It’s a party hop a rocking around the Christmas mystery Rakkan about the crisper see the barley up a rock and a brown Christmas free I’m new in the party hop back in around the Christmas day I need to run a hot rock and around the Christmas tree I’m not in the party hop

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