Horrifying Videos That Show 100% Ghosts Can Take Over Your Home: CAUTION

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A deep dive into ghosts, poltergeists and demons. Let’s take a look at 4 families, 4 separate hauntings, 4 separate parts of the world but all similar. All start of relatively low level. With knocks and bangs but all end badly. Please consider giving the video a like to help the channel.






Creepy Paranormal Videos That Prove 100% Ghosts Are Real

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  1. When the guy, at about 50 minutes, gets woken up by his dog he says something like "what the heck, we saged the house". I'm not going to say he should do this, or he dealing with that because I don't know. But I lived in the old YMCA in Denver in a low-cost apartment and that building was very active with shadow entities, and my place had frequent knocking at night and I would have terrible nightmares and often wake up at 3:00 am. I saged that place every morning and evening, burned various incense mixtures to smudge the place as well as using a variety of talismans, etc. This routine worked very well to quiet the activity and make the place habitable. At the time I was recovering from homelessness and addiction and I didn't have any choice but to make the best of it. Most of the older houses and apartments where I lived in the Denver metro area had ghostly activity, but the YMCA building and these old houses from the civil war era I lived in for a couple years were completely off the hook with peaceful and malevolent activity. The key thing is not to let these events disrupt or distract you from living your life. The less you acknowledge the activity will reduce the frequency and intensity of haunting events.

  2. Wish I could reach out to the first family and do some type of paranormal investigation, I feel for them and what they was going threw I've had to many encounters with paranormal activity and especially poltergeists it's terrible

  3. ok wait , does this guy have a dog and cat? bcz when you hear the dogs toy squeak you see before that a set of red eyes then you see another set of glowing eyes to the right… WHT..

  4. Awesome. Better then slapped haaaam ! Ghost are real , I’ve had 8 ghosts encounters in my lifetime. 5 of them were at home in Kitimat village, others when I was in Vancouver

  5. Also in second story; those are the clearest most definitive footsteps I’ve heard. So much so that you can even tell the kind of shoes that it’s trying to mimic. I highly doubt that an inter-dimensional entity that doesn’t have enough energy to physically manifest itself in three dimensional space, would have any use for a pair of heels 👠😂

  6. Someone in this first family has been messing with something and it’s attached to one of them. They were using the Necronomican?!?!?! That’s all I needed to know. Good fucking luck!!!!

  7. FAKERY ….but in fact if the bs is real IM bettin the ghost is offend by there rebel flag curtin/ room divider.IM also guess it was cousin BUABUA under the sink a tinkering wirh the plumbing. Dude your channel is better than this shit … please dont post this subpar crap anymore.

  8. That southern couple did everything you could do wrong.. That shit you dont mess around with. If you challenge it or play with it. It feeds off of that and then some.
    Leslie needs (or needed) real help for her spiritual being. Her husband too. She was constantly worried anxious crying it probably is latched on to her. And his anger empowers it. Probably came from something in that house that like a picture frame or item, that they keep moving with.
    I hope they are safe and blessed now, Calm and at peace.

  9. Project Darkknight – in the harry mcclarry haunting,the image 2 of pair of eyes,next to it there was an evil shadow being rising up with large,long fingers shaped like claws but you cut the clip too quickly.IT was just terrible. STILL GREAT CHANNEL YOU HAVE YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB

  10. The man is funny he’s like oh well and the spirit be like hummm you want to play and it got worse and worse
    What makes me skeptical is his filming angle and why go through your own house with a flash light ?? All seems a bit dramatic for me

  11. The first family needs some professional help from people who can get rid of this demon because moving isn’t doing nothing it’s attached to them ., i pray for them 💜 because I would scared stiff

    My heart goes out to the first family this is the compelling evidence Iv seen of demonic entity latching on to family and getting stronger
    I pray they got rid of it because I can’t imagine living with that going on 💜

  12. Everbody associates the name of "Jehovah" with the witnesses but try calling upon the TRUE GOD SAYING HIS PERSONAL NAME….JEHOVAH. The demons will tremble in fear of his personal name. The word "God" is just a title…nobody in particular. Most bibles omit the personal name of Jehovah. Big mistake.

  13. I have a story to share. First, Dark, I love the way you care for these troubled people. Most of what you say is spot on. But I grew up in a haunted house. I named all of my spirits and they seemed to like the names I picked. Most of them had been with me since I was 2. I loved them and I know they loved me back. No one was ever harmed and they were protective of me and my kids after I was older. My favorite one, Mr. G, even saved my life one night. I acknowledged them and nothing bad ever happened. So not everyone has a bad ghostly life. I even miss mine and keep them in my prayers. I guess it's because I was never afraid. What do you think?

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