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About the Author: YouTube Movies


  1. Lame movie. Poor acting. Not sure what they were attempting to achieve. The title has very little to do with the movie. Russell and his wife Dee photograph volcanos. Dee is killed. Russell thinks she is haunting him. He goes to her old home in Italy…finds a strange girl named Angela who does strange things that are never explained. The priest thinks Angela is possessed, but apparently, his dead wife has some influence over Angela and tries to warn of an imminent volcano eruption, but only Russell listens. Volcano erupts. Very bad CGI. Zero redeeming quality. Not worth the time.

  2. My ex boyfriend, use to kill me with his exact time freakiness, he would always say: I will be there in five minutes, or I will be there in exactly 15 minutes and he was on time too but I wasn’t and this always pissed him off!!

  3. The actor playing the lead monk seemed to be spot on, acting as a priest, thinking he knows everything, but not understanding (or seemingly wanting to) that things aren't always what they seem.

  4. Guess they couldn't find any real Italian actresses to play the part of an Italian. The volcano should've wiped out the entire film production crew to save us from the disaster that was this low budget movie.

  5. Well I have enjoyed this movie very much. I had to rewind a few times and then put on pause cause this grandchild kept interrupting. Another thing I've also said to never understate the knowledge of a "Crazy1!"

  6. Nobody is forced to watch the movie. If one doesn't like it, there are others to choose from. Just pick something else. Some ppl appreciate the FREE movies…thanks.

  7. I wonder if we all start drawing swors or circles will others understand that the earth is giving aoo alot of energy and causing volcanoes to wake up and magma forcing into fissures creating wild wires in the west if US and Canada.
    A very brief report if smoke rising from the memorial where the 4th of July selebeation was last year..nobody cared to know more..

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