Little cobra gets sips of water from a Sprite bottle during his rescue | El Dodo

Little cobra gets sips of water from a Sprite bottle during his rescue  | El Dodo
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This king cobra was found trapped in a fishing net on New Year’s Day near a rice paddy in East India. When the local villagers found the trapped snake, they called in snake rescuer Mirza Arif. Arif uses scissors to cut the fishing net off, but not before giving the cobra sips of water from a Sprite bottle to quench his thirst. After being freed from the net, the snake was later released near where he was found.

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  1. Que bonito ver lo que hace este hombre, trata la cobra con cariño. En ningún momento la cobra ataca, ni tiene intención de atacar a su salvador, porque la cobra entiende que este hombre no le va a hacer daño. Me alegra ver que todavia hay buenas personas que ayudan a los animales en este podrido mundo.

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