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Updates on My Animals
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#pazuandfriends #ferrets #ferretcare

My ferret care archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1otXZsdn8Hs3kIUyhd13XKMuu4_IBnYkzcEY-0b_6QDw/edit
Join the ferret freedom fighters: https://linktr.ee/ferretfreedomfighters

?Music provided by BGM President
?Track : Naptime! – https://youtu.be/3fBloNLBL2Y
?Music provided by BGM President
?Track : Kid’s Room – https://youtu.be/e4w3WzWeFbg

Outro- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqI9cM6fczU&t

JOIN THE CREW: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aRBwqOO5yYpBioOF6h_qA/join

❀ Our Website: https://thepupandpolecat.com/
❀ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/9JPf3dg
❀ Instagram: @themindfulmustelid
❀ Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/449nsQMhQPNOMHTSptaZrI
❀ Email: pazutheferret@gmail.com
❀ Donations: https://venmo.com/pazuandfriends

Ferret Care Sheet 2020-
Ferret Shelter Directory- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oAw3Havv7X3XMSR5x-Wwj4uyhUpFzyHJcT7srTu9-mw/edit?usp=sharing
Ferret First Aid Kit 2020- https://pazuandfriends.weebly.com/blog-posts/may-06th-2020
My Ferret Kibble Chart- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l440gDRfI898lKzXJC5i4WaZPdJyrB5428uJc5ZwA8I/edit?usp=sharing
Where I buy raw: https://www.mypetcarnivore.com/ https://hare-today.com/referral?id=b8b3e4a https://www.primitivechoice.com/ https://www.rawfeedingmiami.com/


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About the Author: Pazuandfriends


  1. so i'm getting a ferret when im turning 15 im 10 now and i did all the research possible watched your videos and i was wondering do you think i'm responsible enough owning a ferret at 15

  2. A really good way to bond with a ferret is to let them come into the bathroom whilst u brush ur teeth or let them free roam the kitchen whilst u make a meal basically involve them in every day activities!

  3. Hi I’m New to the ferret environment but do y’all know some tips to were I can adopt a ferret or were I can get a rehomed one?I don’t really wanna get one from a pet shop based on what I heard from your videos and many more comments about them?

  4. Thank you so much for you videos I've learned so much the last couple of weeks. I am adopting 2 ferrets this wednesday after alot of research and learning so much from your videos I finally feel prepared to give them a healthy and happy life. Thank you 🙂

  5. I WANT A FERRET SO BAD!! i can’t have one tho because of how expensive they are my parents don’t want to buy that! do y’all know where i can get one free or for very cheap???

  6. Hello. I need advice. We’ve had ferrets for 4 years. We have 3 and adopted each one at a time and added another about a year later. We adopted a baby from a pet store 2 weeks ago and have never had problem with acceptance before. After quarantine we were ready for introductions – albeit slowly and one at a time. Two of my adults are not doing well with the kit and have shown behavior I’ve never seen to this degree. Beyond scruffing to show dominance, the 2 adults are shaking and dragging making me ill at ease. They are not hissing but On one occasion my male got bottle brush tail. I had to intervene here – it was a little beyond my comfort level. The kit would bite and fight back making my adult male act even more aggressively. I had to scruff him to get him to release and it took about a 30 seconds. Do you see hope with this scenario? With each new kit over the years the acceptance gets a little tougher and takes a little longer but this takes the cake by far. We have the patience and time but want to make sure we are taking the right approach and knowing when to intervene and when to let it play out. Also noteworthy is they there’s been no pee or poop. I totally understand the dominance ritual as we’ve gone through it before. Any advice is more than welcome. This is our last adoption and want a successful integration.

  7. Im getting ferrets tomorrow because of you. Thank you so much they will be on a air dried diet (Ziwi peak) and they will be free roamed! With the ferret nation cage. You have taught me alot of things and im grateful!

  8. I am excited for a video series on switching your family dog to a better diet because I have two family dogs and one has Addison’s and I don’t feed them every day because they are the family’s dogs but when I do feed them I like to give them their daily bone allowance and etc.
    When I feed them.

  9. I'm worried about my jill she isn't as playful as her brother and seems to be sleeping a lot I understand that ferrets can sleep up to 18 hours a day. Ive seen her play with her brother though but she just doesn't seem to won't to play with me. Is this anything to worry about

  10. I have no idea how I started with 2 ferrets and somehow ended up with 7 of them?. Oh and your videos are the only ones I trust to make sure I’m doing the best I can for my babies

  11. Hey I’ve watched you for almost a year I was gonna get a ferret but decided i don’t think I’m ready and don’t want to mistreat the animal! But I’ll still watch you cuz I’m still in love with ferrets maybe when I’m older I’ll get two or so 😀

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