New Video Evidence That Proves Ghosts Are Real

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It’s almost Halloween and we’re bringing you a scary and spooky video that you might or might not find funny! Are ghosts real, or are they something we conjure up when we are afraid? Ghost sightings have been faked countless times, but we have uncovered some found footage that will put the question of whether ghosts are real or not to its ultimate rest.


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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.


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About the Author: The Infographics Show


  1. I used to have a neighbor who was obsessed with a thought of a ghost living inside her wall. The renovations inside her apartment with the sole purpose of getting him out of the wall never ended. I wonder how she and Casper are doing today? ?

  2. The hospital staff complained that they kept seeing a ghost. Yeah the reaction was by management… dont tell me go and see HR and complain there stop wasting our time. Complaining about ghosts whats next patients dying… sheesh.

  3. Infographics should go and visit all these sites and conduct their own research and make a video about it
    Would be awesome

    But would probably be to costing

  4. My house is guarded by guardian ghost, we went to a priest and he said in my family, kids are more protected by the ghost(me,sis and my cousin)

  5. I dont know if its ghosts, but there are definitely beings that can do things we cannot that exist on this earth. I've seen it, my friends have, family. At my house, at a mutual friends house, cemetery and so on. Unless aaallll of us have the same hallucination and mental issues…. yeah no. Did capture some audio when a paranormal team came over. Again, I dont know what they are, but there are beings that exist here that again, can do things we cannot. Many will say no and that it hasn't been proven and it's not possible and so on. But we all know what we've seen, heard and felt. The native American tribes know.

  6. “It can’t be a ghost because it moves too creepily. It can’t be a ghost because it moves too normally.” I’m not sure how ghost are “supposed” to move seeing that they aren’t real. But that dialogue definitely got me off guard.

  7. Christian: Ghosts aren't real!
    Atheist: But God is? Ghosts are more believable than your God.
    Christian: (awkward silence) Shut your face, blasphemer!!!

  8. My 2 friends, one of them saw a distorted face near the door. While the other one got pushed by them, when he turned around he didn't see anybody

  9. May be we have to study dark matter to see ghost
    Dark matter is only thing that cannot touch,feel, seen.
    Dark matter structural foundation of universe

  10. Ghosts are real here is a quick real story that happened

    THIS IS REAL. I swear. My dad told me that one week ago at his office building there was nobody there except for the security guard. This office building was built on the same land as an orphanage once was. At 11:00 AM – 1 AM the security guard was at the doors of the building and looked down the hallway and saw a little girl kicking a ball down the hallway. The security guard ran out of the building and probably yelling.

  11. I live very close to Gettysburg. It is very known to be haunted with soldiers who died instantly and still think they are in battle. I believe ghosts are real and are malevolent or trapped in their lifes tragedies.

  12. Near my hometown, there are these terraced houses next to the road. Whenever me and my family would drive past it we would say to look in the windows for ghosts because they look so dark and creepy.
    But one day, i was in the car with my dad and i looked over to those houses, and i saw a girl skipping along the street dressed in a 1940s dress, and she had a 1940s hairstyle. There was nothing that looked like your stereotypical ghost. It looked like a girl who was alive in the past. To this day, i still wonder whether she was a ghost or just a girl wearing 1940s clothes.

  13. I’ve not watched this video yet, but I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that a decent portion of “ghost videos” mentioned here exist because of leftover artifacts, especially regarding ones left over from high-traffic areas where there may have been several hundred people passing by the area where the camera was set up.

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