Top 5 Historic Space Disasters

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Space exploration isn’t easy, and many have given their lives in the pursuit of science and progress. This is our list of the top five space disasters. I specifically included incidents that were instrumental had had major historical significance.

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  1. This is honestly so sad and heartbreaking. I know most about the Challenger.. RIP everyone who was in those disasters.. :/
    And with the Challenger.. I realized that no one was screaming or crying, they just stood there in shock. Truly heartbreaking.

  2. The Challenger.
    Envites a civilian.
    Ignores engineers severe warning the SRBs will fail.
    Then proceeds the launch.
    Here is the worse part. If the companies engineers strictly warn you about a very specific area – you would at the very least watch it closely at launch.
    On video the SPECIFIC AREA the engineers said would fail very obvioisly begins a leak. About 10 seconds after the SRB leak it burns through the main fuel tank. The main fuel tank bust open leaking massive amounts of Hydrogen. 19 seconds of failure…

    "Roger , Go at throttle up"

  3. Didn't you know that Yuri gagarin was supposed to be the backup astronaut for soyuz one, and the decision to send Vladimir komorov up practically saved gagarin's life. In a later report, Yuri was horrified to hear of the botched spacecraft that Vladimir was in as, he was in the communications room at the time soyuz one crashed, and heard komorov's last words.

  4. your speaking is irritating. speak louder and farther from the mic. i can barely hear your voice. i can only clearly hear your mouth moving

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