Top 10 Air Disaster Videos of All Time | Smithsonian Channel

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From a routine takeoff that quickly turns into a disaster to a turbulent crash landing, these are the most-watched Air Disaster videos of all time.

0:00 – Emory Worldwide Flight 17 Loses Control
3:53 – China Air Flight 120 Runway Explosion
7:10 – Rogue Learjet Goes Down
10:16 – NationAir Flight 2121 Catches Fire Mid-Flight
14:09 – Concorde Flight 4590 Destroys A Brand
18:05 – FineAir Crashes in the Heart of Miami
20:53 – Cathay Pacific Flight 780 Engine Fails on Approach
24:34 – Thunderstorm Cause a Plane to Lose Power
28:22 – U.S. Airways Miracle on the Hudson
32:11 – Asiana Air Crashes on San Fran Runway

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  1. I got a flight this night and I'm watching this, nice:) I will update you as soon as I can, If I will be able to:) Much love to you all!!

  2. I live in Oakland and saw the Asiana disaster on TV as it was happening. One of the Chinese girls was run over by the fire truck, I think they didn't see her because of the foam.
    I was also on a plane to Helsinki landing in San Francisco airport after turning around and dumping fuel in the ocean, dozen of fire trucks were waiting but landing was
    OK and we sat on the plane 3 hours while the plane was being repaired before going back to Helsinki. It's a scary feeling right before landing when you don't know if the plain
    is going to make it. We never knew what exactly went wrong but were so grateful to the pilot who got a great ovation from the passengers.

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